Lux Thinking Aloud

Celebrating My Fantastic 36th Year On Earth

11:29 AM

The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.
-Frank Lloyd Wright

Just finished celebrating my fantastic 36th year on earth. It’s my last birthday as a single woman. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Wasn’t it only yesterday I was reveling in my single journey, embracing the ups and downs, feeling the joy and pain of being “set apart” in a world cruel to someone choosing to walk alone? A bit dramatic, isn’t it? But that’s based on my experience.

I’ve loved my single life. Every part of it---the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

I love the me-time, the quiet, the independence, and the freedom, even when I feel empty sometimes. Because that’s when I felt God’s presence the most. That’s when I’m most desperate for Him.

Fantastic 36th Year on Earth

Eating kindly


This year I’ve decided to take baby steps towards eating kindly. However, I’m not a vegan yet. I'm a pescovegetarian. The reason being where I currently am, food choices for vegans are minimal.

But I started because every time I eat meat, I can’t help thinking that what I am eating used to be alive and, if given a choice, I would not want to die just so I can eat.

He’d instead be playing on the grass, eating, sleeping, and enjoying life. Not to be confined in a dirty, uncomfortable cage with little room for moving, enduring heat, getting tortured, and eventually killed in who knows what way.

In the words of Jessica Chastain: “I don’t want to torture anything. … it’s about trying to live a life where I’m not contributing to the cruelty in the world. … While on this planet, I want everyone I meet to know that I am grateful they are here.”

Nutritional and environmental reasons also pushed me to change my food choices---and lifestyle in general.

I’m on my way to eating purely plant-based. I’ll get there someday soon.

This year, I decided to eat kindly, which is fantastic!

More travels

Don Salvador Benedicto


Sliay City

Bali Indonesia


I discovered my love for traveling when I was still single. It’s one of the things I wanted to do for myself: to find joy and be in awe as often as possible. To discover new places and experience new things.

This year, that didn’t change. I am thankful for a fiance who loves traveling and seeing nature. And who stays in control, takes care of everything from planning to packing, and oversees everything that’s needed.

That’s something you must strive to find, my dear single friends. Someone who lets you be independent but whom you can also always depend on.

I’ve traveled both for leisure and business this year. Both I’ve enjoyed and am thankful for.

Gift of romantic relationship

Romantic Relationship

I was single for six years before I met my fiance. Six years of no dating, no flirting, no emotional involvement. Six years of pruning, healing, spending time with friends, serving, working, and traveling. Most of all, it’s been a long journey of making peace with myself.

It wasn’t easy. It was so loud outside. People judge and laugh at my choices. Well-meaning friends pressured me to settle with apparently just anyone they thought was “okay” for me.

Thankfully, there is calmness inside me. Despite my doubts and fears, everything will work out in the end. I was so tired of kissing frogs that I was willing to forego dating for as long as the next one I kiss is the actual prince.

I couldn’t help but marvel at God’s greatness. Although we are not perfect, He finds someone who is perfectly imperfect for us. And no matter how different we are, we fit just right like puzzle pieces to create a beautiful picture.

When I was still single, I would take note of the things I wanted and did not want for my future husband.

Sometimes I’ll be watching a movie, and when I love the spouse in the film, I’d whisper a prayer to God and say, “Please give me a husband like that, Lord.”

Sometimes it happens when reading a book or even in real life. I’m very observant.

If I see someone acting like a jerk, I’d say, “I’d rather stay single for life than be with someone like that.”

This was when I decided that if I could not get married someday, I’d be okay with it. I’ll just keep traveling and enjoying life as it is. Somehow in my heart, I knew I was leading in this direction.

Knowing that you’ll be happy to stay single and ready should there be a shift in the universe is such a wonderful feeling. 😉

God has plans for us far better than we have imagined. His generosity is boundless.

I will forever be grateful to Him for finally giving me the gift of a romantic relationship. All worth the wait and the heartaches.

“Adulting” at its finest

save the date sample
One of the many Save-the-date templates I tested

I’ve never felt more “adult” in my life than I have this year. What could be more mature, serious, and adult than planning for a wedding and paying bills?

I can’t (and don’t want to) delve into details. But so far, this year has been the most stressful, busiest, challenging, and overwhelming time in my adult life.

By the way, I’m selling my property. So if you’re interested, just shoot me a message. 😏

The gift of uncertainty


Just because I’m thirty-six now doesn’t mean I have figured out everything about life.

My future is still uncertain. I have plans and goals, but obviously, in my past, God has proven that His will is stronger and far more beautiful.

Yes, there are still times when I doubt and worry. There are still times when the enemy seems to be winning in discouraging me.

I want to always know what’s next. But I guess that’s the beauty of the future. You can create it today.

I don’t know where I’ll be in the next year. I’m not sure how I will spend 2019, to be honest. All I can do is work on the things I can control and let go of the things I cannot.

Allow God to do the impossible, as that’s His expertise.

I can only hold on to His promises, remember the times He’s been faithful to me even when I wasn’t, and keep praying.

I’m thankful that in all these uncertainties, there are two specific things in my life:

That God will be there is already there, preparing everything I need, and that I have an excellent partner holding my hand as we’re facing the unknown together.

That’s why my 36th is fantastic!

How about you? How’s life been so far?

Other birthday posts:
Post-birthday Reflections
Another Year Older And Hopefully Wiser
My Birthday Gratitude List
Life So Far This 2016
My Big Day Is Coming!
Birthday Life Lessons

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. I know I am late but it sounds like the past year has been a fantastic one for you! So much fun traveling, eating kindly and meeting the love of your life <3 (The blog title suits this post so much.) And what an adorable photo of you two on the pink and blue see-saw!!
