
13 Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30

12:22 AM

13 Reasons Why It's Cool to be Single at 30

13 Reasons Why It's Cool to be Single at 30

But the thirties are a specially dangerous time for women. 
They have outlived the shyness and restraints of girlhood, and not attained to the caution and discretion of middle age. They are reckless, and consciously or unconsciously on the lookout for adventure. They see ahead of them the end of youth, and that quickens their pace.
-Rose Macaulay

People get depressed when they turn a year older, and they're still single because they feel they're doomed to be lonely. But, let me tell you---you're cool!

I really do think so. Here are 13 reasons why:

1. Financial freedom 

You earn your own money, and you can spend it anyway you want without having someone to answer to. No parents to interrogate you, no spouse or children yet to consider.

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - Financial Freedom

2. Own your time 

No curfew. No one to tell you what time you need to be home, or what time you should be waking up. You sleep whenever you wish. 

Reasons Why It's Cool to be Single at 30 - Time Freedom

3. You decide for yourself.
You make your own decisions, no matter how big or trivial it may be. 

Your parents can give you advice and you may ask your friends' opinion, but it's still your call. 

Reasons Why It's Cool to be Single at 30 - Decide for yourself

4. More comfortable 

You're more comfortable now in your own skin. No more "Ugh, I feel so awkward" trying to figure out what you want phase. 

You can change hairstyles and don't give a damn what people might say as long as you feel good about it.

You can choose clothes that are comfortable (and stylish) to wear, not the clothes your parents chose for you or what your peers are wearing. 

You're more confident now with who you are.

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30  - More comfortable

5. Boldness 

You can speak your mind, and you're not scared to be misjudged. You no longer worry about what people might think about your opinions or if they will take it against you.

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - boldness

6. You've had enough 

You don’t put up with other people’s crap anymore. 

If it doesn’t make you 

  • happy
  • earn more money
  • grow

you can simply leave it. 

Your time is more valuable to spend on meaningless things or people who don’t nourish you.

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 no bs

7. Free to "adult" 

The freedom to watch adult films, go to places exclusive for adults and not faking your age, feeling guilty or mortified about it. 

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - free to adult

8. You know better.

You met almost all kinds of people. You’ve heard a lot of crazy crap. You’ve been through hell and back that you feel as though you can take anything life will throw at you.

You are learned and enlightened. You may not have figured everything yet (who does anyway?) but wiser than you were back when you were at your 20’s

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - know better

9. Richer 

You’re definitely richer now than you were before. Wealthier in terms of money (that is if you have saved and invested well enough years before), healthier (if you’ve been taking care of your body) and wealthier in experience and friends. 

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - richer

10. Smarter 

You understand and appreciate the essence of compounding interest. You used to hear Greek whenever you come across that word and when someone tries to explain it to you. 

Now, you feel a natural connection with that phrase, and you know that it’s a friend not a foe.

You may make the wrong choices from time to time but you're (hopefully) making better decisions than you used to.

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - smarter

11. 2nd chances 

It’s never too late to be what you want to be because now you have the resources and the time in the world to pursue your long overdue dream. You are your own priority now. 

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - 2nd choices

12. Choosing your own battle 

You know which battles to pick; which ones you need to continue fighting, surrender or ignore

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - choose your battle

13. Paint anything! 

You have a blank canvass of life. Though you’re in your mid-life now, you still can have a brand new start. 

Reasons Why It's Cool To Be Single At 30 - paint anything

30 and still single? Hey, you're cool!

Shared on Thought Catalog
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  1. Fellow 30-ish single. Totally feel you on this post!
