Lux Thinking Aloud Friends and Chosen 12:57 PM Following what I did previously which was Disconnect, I spent today away from the social media. This day is about TV shows Friends and Chosen Friends and Chosen After watching the Palm Sunday service, I binge-watched Friends. I am late in the party, I know. I'm only on Season 5. But I'm happy I did. Especially at this time. Which Friends character do you identify with? My husband asked me this question. I said Monica. Because I like things organized. Though I don't cook, I do love watching cooking shows and daydream of cooking those delicious dishes myself. I took a fun quiz and it says I'm more of a Phoebe. Not bad. I've transitioned to veganism for the same reason Phoebe doesn't eat meat. Giphy We need shows like Friends. During this global crisis, we certainly need to find humor in things. To not forget to laugh. The Chosen is the first-ever-multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. My husband discovered it through an ad and checked it out. Today we started watching episode 1. It has a different approach compared to other films about Christ. It is more about the people around him. On the first episode, Jesus only appeared in the last part. I hope to see more exciting scenes on this series. Today is the start of the Holy Week. What I got from the message in today's homily is this: God was able to make a big sacrifice because of His big love for us. Giving up Your one and only son is no easy feat. I don't know any parent who is willing to offer their child's life for the good of other people. Especially sinners. Do you want to understand God's great love better? We humans have a limited understanding. We cannot fathom God's wisdom and love. But here's something I can suggest. Watch this video about a man and his son who loves train. WARNING: You will need a lot of tissues. My disconnect post yesterday is perfect timing for the Holy Week. Social media and desserts is what I usually sacrifice during this time. That's nothing compared to God's ultimate sacrifice but it's something. And it really is a sacrifice for me. I'm a sweet tooth. Well, so far Day 6 is much better than the previous days. It made a huge difference not reading the news and checking social media. I think I can survive this qu arantine. I hope you can too. Hang in there. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your turn Do you also give up something during the Holy Week? What is it? What did you do today that you didn't do during the previous days of qu arantine?
Lux Thinking Aloud Disconnect 9:46 PM What do you do with trash? The answer is simple. You throw it away. But when it comes to toxic friends or abusive partner, the answer could be complicated. It may take us a while to figure out if we should keep holding on or let go. Because well, relationships are like that. What do you do when something's messing up your life? You don't allow it. You stop it from getting worse. Thankfully, I don't have an abusive partner. I just said that to paint a picture. But right now, a lot of friends---well, social media "friends" that is, are getting a little too toxic. Online, everybody seems to be an expert on every field you can think of. Have you ever hang out with a know-it-all? How did it make you feel? Giphy That is why on my 5th day of this lo ck do wn, I disconnected from social media. Disconnect I like to keep myself updated about the current global crisis. Unfortunately, going online is messing up with my mental health lately. My anxiety level is high. I'm having breakouts. My sleeping pattern has been affected. The devil's having a field trip in my head. Giphy So I decided to remove my Facebook app on my phone. If you want to remove your newsfeed on your desktop, install the News Feed Eradicator extension. I also didn't check Twitter and Instagram. Disconnect from the internet and reconnect with yourself. Be honest. How important is your virtual image or social presence for you? Studies show that social media is negatively affecting your mental health. But don't just get rid of your habit of browsing social media. You will only experience withdrawal from it and the chances of you getting right back to the habit is high. Replace a toxic habit with a nourishing one. That way, you don't feel empty and desperate. Instead of browsing the internet, here's what you can do: Write down your feelings. Don't worry about your grammar or spelling. Just pour out your emotions into writing. When you finish, you'll feel lighter than when you started. I'm speaking from experience. Keep yourself busy with chores. Yes, that may sound boring or lame but doing chores could be therapeutic. It gets your mind off your problem. And seeing how clean and organized your surrounding adds to the calmness. Spend more time with your pets. If you're a dog owner, lucky you. You won't feel alone. They're the best therapists in the world. There's nothing a dog's cuddle can't cure. Gfycat Spend more time with your family. Even when you're locked together in one place, it's easy to take other people for granted when you're consumed by your time with your gadget. Disconnect with the people online so you can connect with the people around you. Watch a fun show/movie or listen to good music. Note: fun and good. Because you don't want to replace the toxicity of social media with unhealthy entertainment in another form. Workout. You don't have to do strenuous exercises. A simple stretching for a few minutes will do. YouTube has a gazillion of video tutorials of different forms of exercise. Check it out and choose something that suits you. Spend time with the Lord. Read a verse. Listen to an inspirational podcast. Watch preaching or attend a mass service online.Churches are now conducting their services through YouTube or Facebook Live or recorded video. After just one day of disconnecting, I feel much better. No kidding. Giphy When you drown the noise, you feel calmer, right? That's how I felt. I may not be 100% okay yet but at least I'm not depressed and worried anymore about something I have no control over. When you remove the weight you carry on your shoulder, you have more energy and strength to do what matters most. You give yourself more time to be productive. More importantly, you'll hear God's voice clearly. You'll feel His presence more powerfully. His perfect love casts out all fears. (1 John 4:18) Your turn What do you do when screen time gets you anxious? What good habits did you replace your bad habits with?
Lux Thinking Aloud People and Conversation 12:10 AM People and ConversationDo you know what I have realized during day 4 of lockdown? The importance of choosing the people you let into your life. When I was single, I would always get advice about choosing a good conversationalist because lust doesn't last. When you're old and gray, sex will be out of the picture. What's left for you and your partner? Conversation. Choose someone YOU ENJOY TALKING WITH. Because a day will come when that beautiful body will shift. A day will come when there will be one thing left — conversations. - Bo Sanchez With friends, choose someone who can lift you up with their words. You need encouragers, especially during this crisis. C O V I D-19 is affecting not only our physical health but our mental well-being, too. Imagine dealing with the toxic situation externally and having to deal with the monsters in your head but not having someone to talk to about it. Or having someone you can talk with, but it adds to the burden you carry. I am thankful for technology. Because I get to talk to people online. It's good to have people to share joy, grief, fear and concerns with. Shared joy is double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow. -Swedish proverb When it comes to conversation, both parties should benefit. How do you feel after talking to your partner? And how do you make your partner feel after conversing? Even when you don't reach a solution when discussing an issue, it's good to unburden yourself by sharing and letting out what's bothering you. Who is in your circle? Do you have people cheering you up or weighing you down? Now more than ever, you need people who will help you carry on. Giphy You don't need additional negativity in your life right now. There are already a lot of problems, and the global crisis is no joke. People are adding to the drama by being apologists of crook politicians and spreading fake news. You don't need another toxic person surrounding you at this time. You'll have more than enough toxicity on social media and the news. It would also be good to discuss a different topic that is totally unrelated to the virus and politics. That does not mean turning a blind eye to what's happening right now. It means taking a break. Giving yourself the chance to breathe from the current issue is good for you. Try this fast talk I did. It's fun and a good way to get to know someone better. Your turn Who is in your support system? What's the best thing you said or was said to you during a conversation?Download the FREE Printable Fast Talk Questions
Lux Thinking Aloud King of the Jungle 10:19 PM We're on Day 3 and things are getting crazier. Not only does the number of deaths and new cases are still increasing, the government is politicizing what's happening. King of the Jungle It's disheartening what's going on right now. Instead of going after people who are not doing their part---or worse violating the protocol, the government goes after the competent ones. Maybe they are threatened. Because those who are doing their jobs are showing people how it should be done. Thus, revealing who are just here for the money. Who knows? I can never understand how the evil people mind's work. It feels like we're in a movie. Like Hunger Games. People are going after each other in the name of food and survival. And those who are in power just sit there and watch us tear each other apart. Tenor Are you also troubled like me? We're in this together. Let me give you some encouragement as I seek to find encouragement myself. Remember this: In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33 Right now it is hard to believe. The evil seems to be winning. Especially since a lot of people still choose to be silent. Forgetting that choosing to be neutral in situations of injustice is choosing the side of the oppressor. (Desmond Tutu) But this is not new. In the books, movies or even in real life, I have seen evil rise in power. But I have also seen them fall. In all the times that I have experienced or witnessed injustice myself, the song King of the Jungle of Steven Curtis Chapman has always given me hope. Here are some lines: Well the day has just begun and I'm already running late With too many irons in the fire and too much on my plate I'd be pulling out my hair if I could just get one hand free And I'd stop this world if I could find the key What I see is telling me I'm going crazy, but What is real says God's still on His throne What I need is to remember one thing That the Lord of the gentle breeze is Lord of the rough and tumble And He is King of the Jungle Yes He is People say this world's a jungle and sometimes I must admit I'd be scared to death if I did not know who was King of it But the truth is God created this whole world with His own hand So everything is under His command Everything is still under His command. We have a big God. He's bigger than this crisis. Some people may abuse the gift of freewill given to them, but there is still the Law of the Harvest: You reap what you sow. This law works like the law of gravity. You can never defy it. You can never avoid it. Here's another verse to remember when you feel like the enemy is winning: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. -Psalm 23:5 I am afraid. I am disheartened. I am even angry. Every day it seems the enemy is doing something to crush my spirit. But I hold on to these words and promises. I hope you will too. Your turn What quote or verse do you go back to when you feel burdened or troubled? What song do you play to remind you that everything will get better?
Lux Thinking Aloud Gratitude List 11:22 PM It's like everything is moving in slow motion. Days are dragging. Cases of COV ID-19 is rising. On the bright side, at least people are still recovering. We're still in qu arantine. How's your life in the time of c oronavirus? Here's my l ockdown diary day 2. Gratitude List Today, let me say how grateful I am for these things: My husband who makes sure everything we need are provided. Who risks his life to go out and get our basic necessities. Now I'm more aware of God's grace. I thought little of how it is grace that we still get to come home safely every time we leave the house. Anything could happen. There could be an accident. There could be crime. We could get infected by a deadly virus. But we're protected. I thank God every time my husband comes home safely after going to the stores. I am still working, thus earning, without leaving the house. I thank God I'm an introvert. My heart has always been set to working without interacting with the crowd. 😛 Technology is such a gift. I get to chat with my family and friends. I get the latest news. If I have a question about this virus, the information is just one click away. Everyone in my circle are healthy and safe so far. There are still government officials who are doing their job. There is still hope. The word of God. I make it a point to listen to an inspirational talk before I end my day. I also play worship songs while I'm working. Yes, I still get tempted to check the news and I get discouraged. But I find strength and hope in God's promises. Currently listening I am guilty of reading the news and even the comment section every day (which I promised I won't do this year). It's so toxic. It gets me down. It's demotivating. So here's what I listen to to uplift my spirit: 1. Hits Up will surely appeal to the millennial and Gen Z. They've got cool, hip praise songs. This is what I play while I go about my day. 2. Short but powerful talks by my favorite spiritual author and speaker Bro Bo Sanchez. Uplifting and inspirational. 3. Quaretreat by Bro Arun Gogna and his wife Lallaine Gogna. It helps me find the good and the quiet in this qu arantine. It could get crazy and loud outside (or online). So a quiet retreat is what we need. I know it's easier to look at the horrible things during this crisis. I still do! Hey, I'm a work in progress too. But every day there is still reason to be thankful. When it gets a little too loud, too toxic and too heavy, pause. Turn off your gadget. Tune in to God. Hang in there. We're in this together. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Your turn List down 5 things you are thankful for in the comment. What are you listening to or watching to help you stay hopeful during this time?
Lux Thinking Aloud Diary 12:14 AM Technically, our country has been on community q uarantine, enhanced community q uarantine and extreme community qua rantine for weeks now. Our government refuses to call it a l ockdown. But a lo ckdown is a protocol that prevents people from leaving an area. Since we can't leave our cities unless we have a valid reason like work or health emergency and I have neither, I'm going to start logging down my thoughts and day to day experience as we all go through this crisis together. Here's to start my l ockdown diary. Watch out for one-word titled daily posts following this. Diary Day 1 It seems tragedies keep happening since late 2019 up to the present. What is happening to 2020? Every day is like waking up to hear damage report. Make a meme My newsfeed is filled not only with horrific stories about c oronavirus or COV ID-19 but also about the people's lamentation about how the government is poorly handling the situation. I've been working from home full time for four years now. Needless to say, my lifestyle is only slightly affected by this lo ckdown. A lot of people lost their jobs though. My heart goes out to the daily wage earners whose employers could not extend them a little help during this crisis. More than ranting about the state of the world though, I want to record my life lessons and observations in the time of c oronav irus. Back to basic Decades ago, people thought that 2020 is the year we will finally see flying cars. Yes, our technology is more advanced now than it was in the previous years but no flying cars in sight. Giphy Instead, we are going back to the basic. We're teaching people how to properly wash their hands again. We're being reminded of the coughing and sneezing in public etiquette. We stay put in our homes. Nature is rejoicing Humans are supposed to be the most intellectual creatures on earth. But science shows us that earth was thriving before humans "invade" the planet. In only a few weeks of q uarantine, nature is rejoicing. Smog is clearing out. Water is cleaner. Animals that are rarely seen are coming out and roaming the city. Some to look for food because no one's feeding them anymore. Others felt safe in the streets without the danger of humans or cars in sight. Jim Carrey was right. We are the savages. Rebloggy Normal? When I hear people say that soon we'll be back to what's normal, I cringe. We've seen that the normal didn't work. What our society made normal is what brought us here. It's time to change. It's time to stop what is damaging the planet. It's time to rethink the wrongs we do. We can't be going back to the lifestyle and practice that led us to this pa ndemonium. We need to change before it's too late. Change may not be easy at first but it's not impossible. We can do it if we have enough will. Giphy Mind-setting I'm writing this (online) diary to also help encourage whoever comes across it. Change the way you see this situation. You are not stuck inside, you are safe inside. If you have enough food, if you and your family are safe and healthy, if you are sitting comfortably at home and have the luxury to relax, you are still blessed. Some people worry about where to get their next meal. Your worry is what movie or show to watch next on Netflix. Some people have to risk going out just to earn money and buy their basic necessities. Others could be stuck at home with an abusive partner or parent. The next time you feel bored or confined, think about the animals stuck in the zoo, slaughterhouses, test laboratories and cages. Imagine how they feel. It's nothing compared to your situation. At least you will still have your freedom again. Soon. I hope. Gfycat Your turn Share your life story in the time of C oronav irus. How was your day 1 of l ockdown? What are your realizations?
Health & Wellness Human Nature Sunflower Oil Review 10:47 PM Looking for your skin's perfect match is like searching for your soulmate. It could be frustrating, disappointing, or discouraging. (Hang in there, single ladies!)But...When you finally found your destiny...ah, sheer joy! You'll cherish that moment for the rest of your life and never let go.With that said, here's my long overdue Human Nature Sunflower Oil review. The perfect match for my sensitive skin.Human Nature Sunflower Oil ReviewI have sensitive skin. How sensitive? I accidentally brush my temple with the tip of my finger when I fix my hair in a ponytail. What happens next? A pimple on that spot I touched the next day.I slept with my face on my arm? Good morning, big zit!Anyone with sensitive skin would tell you it's hard to find the right product your skin will agree with.Comedy CentralI tried Human Nature Sunflower oilGod bless the day I walked down the supermarket lane and found Human Nature. First, I tried their Nourishing (tomato) Facial Wash. It was love at first use. I bought every product they launched after that.Their Human Nature Sunflower oil is, so far, my favorite.I didn't know how beneficial sunflower oil can be to our bodies until I discovered this product.25 reasons why sunflower oil is considered the Miracle Oil:Overall body moisturizerHelps lighten and soften underarmHelps lighten dark spots and pimple marksHelps make eyebrows thickerHelps relieve itch and redness caused by insect bites.Helps hydrate dry patches on the face.Helps relax tired, puffy eyes.Helps lighten lesions and scars.Adds shine to dull hair.Helps improve the appearance of underarm chicken skin.Helps improve skin condition after sunburn.Helps prevent and diminish the appearance of stretch marks.Helps lighten dark under-eye circles.Smoothens dry, rough skin from shaving.Helps soothe skin after waxing.Helps calm skin and ease rashes.Serves as an under-eye moisturizer.Removes stubborn makeup.Makes skin glow and helps keep it youthful.Helps soothe a dry and itchy scalp.Nourishes and conditions eyelashes.Helps soften cuticles.Helps relieve symptoms of skin infection.Helps lessen fine lines around the eyes.Softens feet soles, knees, and elbows.My personal experience with Human Nature Sunflower OilHere's how I use and personally experience sunflower oil's miracles.Human Nature Sunflower OilMoisturizer from head to toeIt's humid here in our country. So when we use the AC, my skin gets extra dry. Sunflower oil hydrates my skin effectively.💡 TIP: The best way to use it for soft, supple skin is to put a few drops (just 2-3) on your damp skin after a shower (or after washing your face).Gentle but potent makeup removerSunflower oil gently but thoroughly removes makeup.💡 TIP: Pump 2 drops and rub gently on the skin. Remove gently with a tissue. Rinse.Even before rinsing, I can already feel my skin breathing! It also makes it supple.Jacklyn ForbesRemoves chicken skin Shaving and plucking make my underarm skin rough. Sunflower oil makes it smooth and prevents darkening.After sun careI bring my sunflower oil when I travel. At night after a day of fun under the sun, I'd apply my sunflower oil and instantly feel the relief. No more "skin on fire" sensation.Enjoying Palawan with Human Nature productsRelieves itchy scalpWhen my scalp gets dry and itchy, I put a drop of Human Nature sunflower oil and gently massage it. 💡 TIP: Do this at least 15 minutes before showering and rinse well.You can also apply it at the tip of your hair to avoid split ends. I do this especially after spending long hours outside during summer.Stronger nailsThose unhealthy yellow nails after removing your nail polish! Ew.Getting a manicure regularly could damage nails. It becomes weak.One drop of Human Nature sunflower oil is enough to coat all my nails and make them stronger and healthier.A night owl's best friendBefore hitting the sack, put a little extra dab of this miracle oil under your eyes.No matter how stressed and exhausted you are before bed and how much sleep you get, you'll wake up looking like you had ten precious hours of rest.BONUS! An unintentional benefit of doing this: my eyelashes are longer and healthier.Hitting two birds with one stone while sleeping. Removes scarHow long does an insect bite mark stay on your skin? A few days? Mine stays for months!Thankfully, sunflower oil reduces the time the scars are erased.It depends on your type of skin. It could be faster than that for some users.More to love about Human Nature Sunflower Oil.I love that they'revegan and cruelty-freeall-naturalprioritizing local farmers and suppliers and buying from them with just and fair priceshelping back by building villages and supporting poor communitiesaward-winning and internationally recognizedHuman Nature has become the first Asian brand to win the prestigious Sustainable Beauty Awards.RatingDo you even have to ask after reading my Human Nature Sunflower Oil review?Of course, it's a 5! GiphyHuman Nature Sunflower Oil is my skin's a perfect match. What's yours?📸 Hero image: Human Nature
Life Lessons This Is The Word I Choose For 2020 8:45 PM If you don't do resolutions like me, how do you gear up for the new year? It's more powerful to choose a word and let it guide you. I have proven this through the years. This 2020, the start of a new decade, I have chosen the word to define my year. A quick throwback! But before that, a quick look back at the words I chose for the past years. Last 2014, I picked the word "more" to define my year and it ultimately changed my life. I'm happy to report that it was indeed the year I did more, became more, achieved more, traveled more, read more books, had more fun. I discovered more things about myself. Words are powerful. Since then, I would choose a word to be my theme or compass. A guiding principle of how I would live that year. Giphy My 2015 was all about getting better. I did things differently last 2016. It was unorthodox. I was winning last 2017. Winning over my doubts and fears. Winning over uncertainties. Winning over my critics. Winning over that inner voice that keeps on telling me I can't. Well, I can and I did. 2018 was a spontaneous year. I am such a control freak and I overthink a lot. But last 2018, I learned to let things be. It was a year of total and complete surrender. It was a year of leaping in faith. More than anything, it was a year when my heart was overflowing with gratitude for God's faithfulness in my life. It was when I have proven yet again that God will deliver His promise. We only have to wait in faith because His timetable is different from ours. It was when I was glad that I didn't listen to what others say and calmly trusted the process. I didn't listen to the facts people threw at me. Hey, I worship a God who can do the impossible after all. Last 2019 was a year of milestones. I did a lot of firsts. Isn't it amazing that year after year life has an incredible way of surprising us, shaping us and giving us opportunities that bring us from glory to glory? And now for this year... This Is The Word I Choose For 2020: Premium Merriam-Webster dictionary defines premium as of exceptional quality or amount. Or higher priced. According to Cambridge Dictionary, premium is something extra given or an extra amount charged, a great amount of importance, of higher than usual quality or value. Why am I choosing Premium as my word for 2020? Out of mediocrity and into a premium life Let's just say that being a middle child, I grew up receiving hand-me-downs. I was conditioned to always give way and I've learned to be content of what's being given to me. I was never a demanding child. Or adult. It's good that I find joy in the simplest things. I am fine with having my needs met and I don't have excessive wants. Thus, I never envy others. The downside of being content to what is good is missing out on what is great. I know I can do more and be more but I don't see the urgency when I'm already happy in my little corner. Ah, let them clamor for attention and promotion. As long as I get paid enough to buy my basic needs and have some extra left for a little self-indulgence, I'm good. That's how I used to think. But I fell in love with traveling and I know I want more of it. I desire a premium life that will enable me to travel more and conveniently at that, thanks to my husband who made me see the difference between sleeping inside a tent and on a soft comfortable mattress. Yes, I've traveled in a shoestring budget and it was fun when done with friends. But it's a whole new different experience to spend the night in a luxurious hotel and be chauffeured around. Giphy Premium health If you don't care about your health, the planet and the life of animals, your food option seems endless. But if you want food that nourishes your body, good for the planet and does not involve killing animals, you need premium food. It takes a lot of research, reading of labels and expanding your network to find these kinds of food. That's why a lot of people prefer to buy what is easy to prepare and cheap. But if you're not careful, you'll pay for it soon enough. Why be careless now and regret it later? Have you heard of a person who got sick because he's eating fruits and vegetables? Broccoli doesn't catch a flu. Kale doesn't have foot and mouth disease. Duh. The food you eat can either nourish you or make your sick. The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. -Ann Wigmore Other things I've started doing for my health late last year which I plan to continue are stretching and meditating first thing in the morning. A healthy body starts with a healthy mind. My husband and I also goes to a weekly spa date. You can be healthy without depriving yourself of good food. There are a lot of healthy options out there. With the help of the internet especially YouTube cooking shows, what you need to know is just one click away. Giphy Peace of mind What could be a more premium gift you can give yourself than the gift of peace of mind? I've always been talking about getting rid of toxic people in your life. Don't be sorry about cutting off people who don't contribute to your well-being. I've burned bridges that lead to nowhere. Last year, I've made the mistake of checking the comment section on socials. Gosh it's like seeing a speeding bus and jumping in front of it anyway. It's bad for the mental health. I also tolerated who have been abusing working with me since I was a newbie writer and made me believe that I'm getting a just rate. These are the kinds of clients that will make you feel bad for charging them higher than usual and call you selfish or greedy. For 2020, I'm staying out of the comment section and will be hitting that 'block sender' button as often as needed. Giphy How about you? Have you chosen a word for 2020 yet? Let me know in the comments below.
Lux Thinking Aloud 2019: My Year Of Firsts And Milestones 1:49 PM 2019 has been my year of first and milestones. It's amazing that even in my thirties, my life is still fun, full of surprises, twists and turns, and I still get to experience some firsts. Allow me to share some with you. 2019: My Year of Firsts and Milestones 1. I got hitched! Just when I was at peace with the possibility of growing old with my dogs, life threw a wonderful surprise. This 2019, I got married. It was not a perfect wedding, but it was beautiful. It was a testament of God's faithfulness not only to me but also to my husband. We both waited in faith. Sometimes, we question God's purpose and plans. Waiting may be bitter, my friend, but the fruit is sweet. Use waiting as your time for learning, improving, exploring, and enjoying. I always tell my single friends to enjoy every moment of being alone. Cherish the life of being single. Embrace even the loneliness and emptiness. Because it will be over before you know it. 2. First time to kayak. This may seem trivial for some, but this is a big deal for me. Because though I love going to the beach, I have an irrational fear of the open water. We went to Palawan for our honeymoon. It's dubbed as the most beautiful island in the world. And it didn't disappoint! Minus the influx of tourists that's causing traffic in some roads, pollution (not as bad as Metro Manila for sure), and some locals milking on tourists, the island itself is a paradise indeed.Stunning view, gastronomic experience, bonding with my better half. It's an experience I will never forget. 3. I transitioned to Veganism. I've never been a big fan of meat though I grew up in a carnivorous family in a culture that LOVES meat. Living on my own, I most often than not prefer less or no meat in my meals. 2016, I declared that meat was back on the menu. That was because I was testing different restaurant foods due to our plan of putting up our café. Thus, I believe that it is due to culture or tradition that our minds have been conditioned that it's okay to eat meat. But we have a choice. We should listen to our conscience. What weighs more? Your cravings or your compassion towards the innocent? Supporting cruelty against animals or showing kindness to all creatures? Science supports the idea that humans don't need meat to be healthy and survive. Spiritual (vegans) believe God gave us plants for food in Genesis 1:29: Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Personally, science and religion aren't my reasons for this decision. My dogs made me do it. One day I realized that if I will never ever eat dog meat because for me dogs have souls. So, why do I keep eating other dead animal carcasses? What's the difference really? Farm animals are just as innocent and sentient as pet animals like dogs and cats. via Alba Paris Art Did you know that pigs are smarter than dogs? My other reason for going vegan is the condition of our planet. Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old. It was thriving before us, supposed intelligent and superior species abused the resources it generously provides. There is nothing wrong with progress. I love how technology has been making our lives better. But to sacrifice another creature's life to satisfy a fleeting craving or in the name of fashion when there is a plethora of alternatives that do not involve suffering and death is crazy and selfish. It's never too late. Go vegan for the animals and for the planet. Whatever we give to Mother Nature, she gives us back a hundredfold. When you go vegan, your body will thank you later. 😉 Check out these athletes who were surprised about a huge (pun intended) improvement they've experienced shifting to a vegan diet. 4. Got premium clients. I've been working for years with cheapskates. I have encountered fakers or fraud. Lesson: don't believe every product review you see online. Especially if they're about 👉 these brands. On the last quarter of 2019, God finally answered my long time prayer to bring me to the right people who can help me grow. I've found a tribe of freelancers who give premium quality service and earns premium in return. It's my first time to pay for an online membership. And the money I invested was not a joke. I prayed a lot about it and I had to pep talk myself into hitting that enroll button. I enrolled literally on the last minute. Lol! I'm a frugal person. But if I have to be honest with myself, I'm also scared when it comes to taking risks when money is involved. I've made a lot of wrong investments and decisions in the past. I don't want to repeat those mistakes. But I also thought, "Why am I stopping myself from taking a leap if the result is what I've always wanted to achieve?" Why do I let fear hold me back from trying something new and expect to get a different result doing what I've been doing for the past years? There are proofs from real people that this method works. How can I prove it myself if I won't try? I said I must see results in three months! I will follow the teaching inside the tribe and apply it otherwise I just threw away the money I worked hard for. A little before three months was over, I closed a deal with a premium client. And I know it's only the beginning. You are the only one stopping yourself from moving forward. Take calculated risks, my friend. Or you'll miss out in life. How was your 2019? Was it also a year of firsts and milestones? No matter, I wish you had a memorable one and I hope this 2020 will be even better for you.
How-To 7 Pros Of Working From Home With Tips 10:15 PM If you love what you do, it isn't your job; it is your love affair. -Debasish Mridha If you can work in the comfort of your home...Doing what you love to do...Earning more than what you're currently getting...Having more freedom of time...Why wouldn't you? Working from home is not stress-free. There are still challenges. But deciding to do it was the best career change I've made in my life. Because the advantages of working from home are more significant than the downside. Here are 7 pros of working from home that I've discovered. 7 Pros of Working from Home with Tips 1. No dress code You still need to look decent when you have a video call. You can dress up if you want to, but that's the advantage of working from home. No one will judge you even when you're in your sweats or pajamas all day.Let's face it, not having to wear a bra also feels more freeing. 👀 As long as you deliver your work, your clients won't ask whether you've showered or not. (Though I do shower to wake myself up. Just thought I'd let you know before you presume I work like this 👇) Gfycat When working from home, you can wear anything comfortable without worrying about breaking any rules. Because you make the rules. 💡 WORKING FROM HOME TIP: Invest in a good blazer or a presentable top/shirt that you can wear during an interview or conference call. Giphy 2. Commute or drive to work no more The distance between your workplace and your bed is just a few steps away. Some even have their bed and their home office in the same room. No more hassle of waiting for the bus or cab. No more long lines and fighting your way in the crowd so you won't miss the train. No more danger of getting robbed on your way to and from work.You don't have to worry about arriving or coming home late because you're stuck in traffic. Most importantly, no need to brave the weather just to get to work for fear of being reprimanded by your waterproof boss. Call Center Life 💡 WORKING FROM HOME TIPS: Don't work as much as possible in your bedroom, especially on your bed. This will help you stay productive and avoid the temptation of taking a nap during your working hours. It also conditions your mind that your bedroom is for relaxing and sleeping. So when you step inside the bedroom, your mind knows it is time to take a snooze.Keep your home secured at all times. It may be safer to work from home, but it doesn't mean you have to be lenient regarding security.Don't forget to invest in security, such as antivirus software to protect your computer work from hackers and a sound home security uk alarm system to protect you from thieves. This will give you peace of mind whether you're working at home or taking a break.It's hard to focus on both if your home safety is in question, right?How is your daily commute to work? Share your craziest story in the comments.Disclaimer: I wrote this post pre-p a n d e m i c 2018 and edited 2019. Please don't get offended by this gif. Giphy 3. No office politics or challenging people to deal with Don't we all have that annoying person at work we dread seeing? Have you not put on your headphones and blasted music in your ears to block the noise of nonsense gossip around you? And does it not irritate you when someone who works less gets recognized more just because they're drinking buddies with the boss? Is your boss a toddler trapped in an adult's body, throwing tantrums when things don't go his way? How many times have you faked a smile or tried to look calm even when you feel like throwing a fit yourself? Sarcasmlol When you work from home, you eliminate this kind of toxicity in your life. Giphy ⭐ LIFE TIP: If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive.Unsubscribe from other people's drama. Some people are not worth your time and emotion. 4. Choose your view Whether you want to work in front of your window, in the kitchen, or anywhere in your house, you can. Bring your work outside or in the coffee shop for a change (that aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee is a good stimulus). Giphy Or better yet... 5. Travel with your work You can bring your work wherever you go as long as it's convenient and you know you can still be productive. If there's a good internet connection and electricity, you're good to go. New place, fresh ideas. 💡 WORKING FROM HOME TIP: If you need to bring your work on your trip, set aside a day and time for work. You don't want to ruin a beautiful holiday. I don't advise bringing your work when you travel for leisure. Not only will it add to your luggage, but it also beats the purpose of vacation. Pinterest 6. More time for yourself You can finish your work either at the time agreed with your client or whenever you want, depending on your arrangement. Since you don't have to take the time to commute from home to the office and vice versa, and no colleague is inviting you to unwind after a stressful day at work, you have a lot of extra time in your hands. If you want to keep your day productive after working, you can run errands, clean your working area, organize your files, update your blog if you have one, watch a tutorial or inspiring speech or learn from other people in the same field. Or relax. Sleep. You need it. Catch up on your reading. Take a walk. Meditate. Work out. Serve the community. Get a massage. Find a new hobby.If you like to earn more, you can use your extra time to look for another client or work on some extra gig. You are the king/queen of your time. You do you. Giphy 7. More time with what matters most When you're staying home, you get to see the people or the reasons why you're working. You have the luxury of spending quality time with your loved ones. Go on a date with your partner. Meet a friend. Spend more time with your pets. One of our dogs sleeping ON my foot while I'm working. Had to capture that precious moment in-between editing. Clingy dog #1 Clingy dog #2 UPDATE: Now that I'm married, I spend more time with my husband. He accompanies me when I need to work outside due to inevitable instances like a power outage. That's an unplanned and productive date right there. You can't have it all. Like everything else in life, nothing is perfect. There are still challenges with working from home. 💡 WORKING FROM HOME TIP: Google and YouTube tutorials are your friends. When I first started, no one in my circle doing freelancing. But because I was determined to make the shift, I researched it. I attended seminars. As they say, if you want something wrong enough, you find a way, not an excuse. Join a fantastic group of freelancers. Here's one I highly recommend 👉 The Freelance Movement Workshop. This is where I learned freelancing hacks. I wish I knew when I was starting. Once you've found your rhythm, you keep learning and improving your skills, and you don't forget your BIG WHY. You will find that the pros of this work far outweigh the cons. Question for you: If you're already working online, what are your struggles? What do you think are the pros of working from home? If you're not yet making this incredible career, would you like to know how?This post contains affiliate links, so I'd get a commission if you purchase through my links at no additional cost to you. This helps me maintain my site. Thanks in advance!