Lux Thinking Aloud

Gratitude List

11:22 PM

pink journal with i am grateful text

It's like everything is moving in slow motion. Days are dragging. Cases of COV ID-19 is rising. On the bright side, at least people are still recovering. We're still in qu arantine. How's your life in the time of c oronavirus? Here's my l ockdown diary day 2.

Gratitude List

Today, let me say how grateful I am for these things:

  1. My husband who makes sure everything we need are provided. Who risks his life to go out and get our basic necessities.
  2. Now I'm more aware of God's grace. I thought little of how it is grace that we still get to come home safely every time we leave the house. Anything could happen. There could be an accident. There could be crime. We could get infected by a deadly virus. But we're protected. I thank God every time my husband comes home safely after going to the stores.
  3. I am still working, thus earning, without leaving the house. I thank God I'm an introvert. My heart has always been set to working without interacting with the crowd. 😛  
  4. Technology is such a gift. I get to chat with my family and friends. I get the latest news. If I have a question about this virus, the information is just one click away.
  5. Everyone in my circle are healthy and safe so far. 
  6. There are still government officials who are doing their job. There is still hope.
  7. The word of God. I make it a point to listen to an inspirational talk before I end my day. I also play worship songs while I'm working. Yes, I still get tempted to check the news and I get discouraged. But I find strength and hope in God's promises.
Currently listening

I am guilty of reading the news and even the comment section every day (which I promised I won't do this year).

It's so toxic. It gets me down. It's demotivating.

So here's what I listen to to uplift my spirit:

1. Hits Up will surely appeal to the millennial and Gen Z. They've got cool, hip praise songs. This is what I play while I go about my day.

2. Short but powerful talks by my favorite spiritual author and speaker Bro Bo Sanchez. Uplifting and inspirational.

3. Quaretreat by Bro Arun Gogna and his wife Lallaine Gogna. It helps me find the good and the quiet in this qu arantine. It could get crazy and loud outside (or online). So a quiet retreat is what we need.

I know it's easier to look at the horrible things during this crisis. I still do! Hey, I'm a work in progress too.

But every day there is still reason to be thankful.

When it gets a little too loud, too toxic and too heavy, pause. Turn off your gadget. Tune in to God.

Hang in there. We're in this together.

Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, 
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 
-1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

Your turn

  • List down 5 things you are thankful for in the comment. 
  • What are you listening to or watching to help you stay hopeful during this time?

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