Faith Sleepless 11:17 PM Sleepless I am literally sleepless today. I took pain medicine yesterday for my headache and the caffeine in it is too strong. Despite me taking only half the dose. So here I am, feeling hangover from a drinking session I never went to. Still standing (or sitting down). Still hustling. The bad thing about not getting sleep is that our bodies are not functioning as it should. Previously, I wrote about having a life balance. Anything in excess is not good. And here I am totally sleepless. I can feel the effects of overworking my brains: dizziness nausea shortness of breath stomach upset uneven skin tone irritability Tenor My husband could attest to the last one. 🤣 If I will have to be honest, it's not just the caffeine that kept me awake. (I've already learned my lesson and only takes half the dose since that time I had palpitations.) But worry has once again conquered me. And no matter what tips you follow for getting a good night sleep, if your mind is filled with fear and anxiety, it's useless. I worry about what will come about after this p andemic. I worry about how the government leaders with selfish intentions would respond to this crisis. I worry about my career. I worry about a lot of things. Worry steals from today. As for me, it stole my rest. It stole my peace. It stole what would have been a more productive day for me. It stole more time I could have spent with my husband. Pinterest Instead of doing these things, I spent it trying to think straight. Trying to not lose my temper to my husband who's also in desperate need of sleep. Two cranky people who are also hungry trying to get by the day is not a good combination. I'm glad my husband is quick to apologize and even quicker to forgive. I spent today trying to function despite feeling lethargic and out of it. Antidote for sleepless night Searching on the web about sleeping, here's a verse I've found: In peace I will lie down and sleep for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. -Psalm 4:8 I feel bad for falling into this weakness again. When I worry and fear, I know I am insulting God. There are many times God commanded us to not worry in the Bible. But in my weakness, I allowed the enemy to make my mind a playground for his lies again. Lord, grant me the grace to believe and obey you. Calm my worries. Allow me to rest at your feet. May I sleep in Your presence tonight.Amen. Your turn What makes you sleepless?What are your tips for a good night rest?
Faith Balance 8:31 AM Anything in excess is not good. For example, too little or too much sleep can be harmful to your health. Balance is key. Balance I always try to keep an optimistic disposition. But the older I get, I realized it's better to also be a little pessimistic. The sweet spot between optimism and pessimism is where we should be. I've learned that those who did not survive the holocaust were mostly the optimists in the group.Because when what they expected did not happen, it hit them really hard. They lost their hope. And I've shared this quote by Hal Lindsay before but I'll share it again: Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only for one second without hope. From experience, I know optimism has an ugly down side. Indeed when you keep your hopes up, it hurts terribly when what you hoped for did not come to pass. The higher the expectation, the bigger the disappointment. So, I like to keep a balance between being optimistic and pessimistic. We need to be realistic. We need to keep our balance. Dream big but also keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Love others but also give yourself the right amount of self-love. Work hard but rest well. Keep yourself in check. I believe keeping a balance between positive thinking and negative thinking is better for our mental health. That way when things don't go our way, we don't get too beaten down. When things turn out better than we expected, we celebrate. I love the verse about the balance of everything in life. There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing. A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace. -Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 I hope we learn to find this healthy balance in our lives. Your turn Are you an optimistic or pessimistic person? What do you do when things don't go as expected?
Faith Waiting 12:32 AM If there's a level in the waiting game, I'd say I'm at Expert by now. I've waited for God's answers to my prayers for a long time. He's tested my patience, increased my faith and pruned me during that long waiting period. And now I find myself waiting again. Waiting I think we are always waiting for something at certain times. We wait for our water to boil so we can enjoy our tea or cereal. We wait for our flights. (Oh, traveling! I forgot how that feels. 😅) We wait for a client's reply if a project is a go or a no. We wait for a movie to premier after watching several trailers online. We wait for our food delivery to arrive and hope it comes before we turn into a hangry (hungry + angry) monster. We wait for this p andemic to be finally over. I don't know about you but sometimes I feel sick and tired of hearing about the news. Bad news after bad news after bad news. Every. Single. Day.2020 is really kicking all our asses. What have you been waiting for lately? Joyful are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home! -Proverbs 8:34 The waiting period is not exactly a joyful phase. Especially when you're not sure if the answer you've been waiting for is what you're going to receive. Aristotle said: Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. When I was discerning if marriage was for me, I stayed single for a long time. I kissed dating goodbye. That's a title of a book I haven't read it. I heard it's good.[Click here if you want to order I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris.] I enjoyed every me-time I have. Oh, I had ample back then. Yes, I was happy. But there were long, lonely, cold nights too. Gfycat When I was waiting for my life after graduation to start, I was reviewing for the board exam. There were a lot of terms and formulas to memorize. I have no idea how I passed it. I'd say only by God's grace. 🤣 But the waiting period between after the exam until it was announced was filled with tension. It wasn't particularly joyful. This q uarantine period is fine. Because I'm working from home for years now, quarantine is not new to me. All these things going on around the world though are getting to me as the days go by. It's different knowing you're staying home because you want to and staying home because you're forced to. We humans love our freedom, don't we? Pinterest So this l ockdown has somehow messed up my mental health. There was a time when I had to disconnect from the world. As much as I wanted to be in the know of what's happening, I needed to step back.I had to take refuge in God's presence like never before. I had to desperately search for things to keep my mind off the crisis. I felt like a fish out of water hopelessly trying to breathe. Thankfully, distancing from the news and social media helped. See the simple therapies I found on my previous entries. Day 20: Unproductive Day 16: Lover Day 14: Self-growth Day 9: Hustle Day 7: Simple Life Day 6: Friends and Chosen Day 5: Disconnect Day 2: Gratitude List The whole world is waiting with bated breath for when we can all finally step out of the house, hug each other again and enjoy our freedom. When will that be? I don't know. It's not easy waiting alone. But knowing we're in this together makes it a little better. Your turn How long do you think this quarantine will last? What do you do while waiting for something? May contain affiliate link.
Faith Possible 10:31 PM Is it possible that this crisis will end soon? Is there something good that will come out of this p andemic? Will we ever survive this challenge? Is everything going to be okay? Possible If you're an over-thinker like me, you may have also suffered from anxiety attack during this quarantine. So many questions. I continue to believe that no matter how difficult the situation we are in right now, we will survive. We will even thrive. Not with our own strength, but with the help of God. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26 All things are possible. The good kind of possible. Because our God is good. When I feel like we're trapped in this situation and fear starts rearing its ugly head, I think about the times God made what's impossible for men possible. It's impossible for women of old age to conceive a baby. But God made it possible. He blessed Sarah and Abraham with a son. Elizabeth was at least 60 years old when she gave birth to John the Baptist. It's impossible to divide water. But God parted the Red Sea and made it possible for His people to escape their enemy. It's impossible to walk on water or to turn water into wine. But Jesus did so. God is unchanging. He is just as merciful, powerful and infinite now as He was before. For that, I will always be grateful. Grateful for my husband's love and service health and safety of loved ones the ability to work despite the crisis more opportunities coming my way nature healing; lesser pollution, animals are more free little luxuries like being able to watch shows and movies online Citron tea---oh, how comforting the taste! my blog which has always been my favorite therapy healing songs Speaking of songs and all things being possible with God, here's an old song I like. Maybe not too old but it's been a while since I've heard it. All Things are Possible Hillsong Worship Almighty God my Redeemer My hiding place, my safe refuge No other name like Jesus No power can stand against You My feet are planted on this rock And I will not be shaken My hope it comes from You alone My Lord and my salvation Your praise is always on my lips Your word is living in my heart And I will praise You with a new song My soul will bless You Lord You fill my life with greater joy Yes I delight myself in You And I will praise You with a new song My soul will bless You Lord When I am weak, You make me strong When I'm poor, I know I'm rich For in the power of Your name All things are possible Feels good to be reminded that we worship an awesome God with whom all things are possible. Your turn What uplifting song is on your playlist? List down 3 old songs that you still love to listen to.
Faith Fixate 6:45 PM Fixate And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.-Philippians 4:8-9 If you can fixate on one thought, what would it be? If your life is a movie and you have to keep playing one clip from it over and over, which would you choose? I bet you'll pick something nice, happy, wonderful. When you finally graduated or passed an exam that will change your career. When you finally got over a heartbreak When you found your true love. When you climbed that summit you've always wanted to conquer. When your baby was born. When you got your first puppy. Imgur We are automatically drawn to what makes us feel good. Nobody wakes up every morning wanting to sabotage their day. "How do I ruin my life today?" That's a disturbing thought, isn't it? "Every day may not be good but there's always something good in every day." I know, sometimes it's hard to find the good especially when you feel like your life is going down the drain. I've had those days. I frequently get those since this crisis started. We all have our own way to cope with our own issues. We all have our own demons to wrestle with. When bad memories resurface, when the devil whispers lies in my ears, when I feel lost and hopeless, I go back to that verse from Philippians. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. What is true is that this too shall pass. God is still in control and He's the same God yesterday, today and forever. What is honorable is not using this p andemic as an opportunity to take advantage of people who are desperate. It's thinking about ways to help. What is right is giving yourself a break. Letting yourself rest if you have to. Distant yourself from toxic people and news. Keep your mind and body healthy. We Heart It What is pure are dogs and babies. Watching dog and baby videos reminds me how beautiful innocence is. It reminds what genuine love looks like. What is lovely is the planet we live in. Nature that's not abused and defiled is incomparable in its beauty. I look at the places I visited before and those I would love to go to someday. Lovely thoughts are those with my wonderful husband, family and friends. Lovely also are the news about people showing what humanity really means especially in the time of c oronavirus. What is admirable are the people who continue to give and serve without political gain. Those who continue to fight bravely for what is just. Those who are not afraid to speak up and get ridiculed just to call out the abusive people in power. What is admirable is knowing that we are on day___ of our quarantine yet here we are. (It's longer than 25 days I know but I started when enhanced q uarantine was announced in our city). Those who are scarred and still beautiful. Those are admirable. The noise outside is too loud. Sometimes the voices of doubt and fear in my head are deafening too. But I fight and choose to fixate to only what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. What is excellent and worthy of praise? God's steadfast love. His mercy that's new every morning. The good work He has began in me. His purpose behind all these which we are yet to know and understand. I want to fixate on these things. Your turn What are you currently preoccupied with? What scene in your life do you love to keep playing in your head?
Faith Grace 11:16 PM Grace I watched separate interviews of two C OVID-19 survivors today. What they both went through was scary, painful and life-changing. They both said two things that are noteworthy. We should never underestimate the virus. They survived purely because of God's grace. Grace. Gift Received At Christ's Expense I used to take this gift for granted. But now I know I am still here only because of God's grace. I realized grace is: being able to wake up every morning and being given the chance to experience life again having a normal and healthy body family and friends surrounding me having enough food still earning despite the crisis being under God's protection just being able to breathe normally (because those C OVID survivors said breathing was a difficult task) I didn't receive any help from our government (despite being a taxpayer) but at least I don't go to bed hungry. I am safe. I am well. I am loved. I have grace. This C OVID-19 made me more content. But I hope this ends soon and that we change for the better. Your turn What are you thankful for today?
Faith Expectant 9:20 PM Expectant Expectant ex·pect·ant (/ikˈspektÉ™nt/) having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something pleasant and interesting. When you pray for rain, bring an umbrella. That's expectant faith. That's it. That's the post for today. Thank you. Goodbye. 😛 Okay. I want to write more than that. I'm sharing about one of my favorite stories about faith which involves rain and the prophet Elijah. But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees. Seven times Elijah told him to go and look. Finally the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea." Giphy Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!’” And soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel. -1 Kings 18:42-45 About this story Elijah prayed earnestly and desperately. When was the last time you prayed down low to the ground with your face between your knees? This position denotes desperation, right? Seven times he asked his servant. The experts say that seven indicates perfection and completion in the Bible. How many times do you pray and try again before you give up on what you're praying for? A big storm starts with a tiny cloud. The cloud the servant saw was the size of a man's hand rising from the sea. Imagine the tiniest cloud you've ever seen. That must be how small it was. For Elijah though, he saw a storm coming. And he was right. Life lessons from Elijah and the rain See things with the eyes of faith. Prayers can move mountains. Or bring rain in the dessert. 😉 God favors those whom He chose. Breaking news: He chose us! Pray unceasingly. Again, when you pray for rain, bring an umbrella. Pinterest This is how I'm trying to deal with the uncertainties today. The world says there is drought, but my God brings the storm. The world says impossible, I say with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) The world says C OVID-19 will kill us all, but my God will restore us to health and heal our wounds. (Jeremiah 30:17) Your turn What are you expecting to receive today? Do you like the rain too? 😊
Faith Adaptable 7:39 PM Adaptable Notice the glorious bamboo tree. It is tall and sturdy but when the wind blows strongly, it bends. It's resilient even during a raging storm. Because it is adaptable. It goes all the way down to the bottom and all the way up that the camera can't capture the actual size 📸: Instagram husband We need to learn this important life lesson from a bamboo tree. Now more than ever, we need to be adaptable. Because all of us are going through a crisis. The whole damn world. No one's exempted. This p andemic is perhaps the biggest change and challenge the modern world has experienced so far. And I couldn't agree more. Giphy Aside from this global crisis, we each are going through major life-altering events. We need to adjust. If we keep resisting change, we will break. Personal change I've seen this change in my career recently. I know it will be tough in the coming days and if I keep thinking about the what ifs, I will be having fresh breakouts and be losing sleep again. Anxiety ain't pretty. So, instead I decided to declare this: My God is bigger than this crisis. My God is more powerful than this p andemic. He will never let my cup run dry. Here are other encouragement I keep in my heart to help me get through this like a warrior I was born to be: You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. -Psalm 23:5 And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. -2 Corinthians 9:8 The LORD will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them. -Deuteronomy 28:12 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19 The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD! - Job 1:21 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28 But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the LORD; their vindication will come from me. I, the LORD, have spoken! - Isaiah 54:17 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. -Hebrews 13:8 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. -James 1:17 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. -John 10:10 And when it gets overwhelming I have to remind myself of this verse: I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. -John 16:33 Realizations I don't think I'll be standing here today if not for God's grace. He is my hope and my strength. There are many times in my life when He delivered me and fulfilled His promises. He never fails and He won't stop now. (I got that from this song. 😛) I've realized that if we want to thrive in our lives during this c oronavirus p andemic, we need to adapt. In the end, the strongest among us is not the one who looks and acts tough. It is the one who learns to bend. Be strong. Be adaptable. Your turn What quotes or verses do you read when things get tough? How do you adapt to change?
Faith Easter Sunday 9:54 PM He is risen! I don't know about you but I felt I finally put down that heavy weight I've been carrying around for a while now when I realized it's Easter. I love this day. Easter is a wonderful reminder that all sufferings end. There may be hardships today. Our cry may feel like it falls on deaf ears. It may seem as though the night never ends but Easter is here to remind us that morning is not too far away. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. -Psalms 30:5 Easter Sunday Today is different of course because we can't leave the house. But I told my husband we need to celebrate somehow. Jesus defeated death! Giphy That is HUGE. And 2,000+ years may have passed but it's still worth celebrating. So, after almost an hour of browsing through my food delivery apps, we finally ordered pizza. Maybe because we've not been eating outside food for quite some time now due to the q uarantine, I thought that pizza was hea-ven-lyyyyy. Gifling Binge-watching We spent the rest of the day watching movies. At first we watched Onward. A kid's movie that has a surprisingly deep and emotional message about family. A touching story of two brothers who both wanted to see their deceased dad one last time. I highly recommend it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ We also watched the last episode of Young Sheldon season 2. As usual, we laughed out loud. And finally, we finished the first season of The Chosen series. Also a must watch! For the first time since the q uarantine, I can honestly say that this has been a great day. Your turn How did you celebrate Easter Sunday? What are you thankful for?
Faith Black Satruday 5:09 PM Black Satruday A day of total bleak silence for Jesus' followers after His death. Imagine their grief from losing a friend and a teacher. Their hope. Wow, imagine losing your hope! Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only for one second without hope. -Hal Lindsey That must be one difficult time for the disciples. They had to deal with their personal loss, their confusion of what's happening, maybe even pain of betrayal (I really thought He was the One. Why did He let it happen? Why did he not fight back if He was powerful?). They also had fear. What if they would come after them next and make them suffer the same way? There was uncertainty of the future. Black is an apt word to describe that day. It must have been figuratively the darkest time of their lives. Our Black Friday It got me thinking about what we're going through today. Our present life is filled with uncertainties. When is this l ockdown going to end? What will happen after this? What changes await us? What kind of person are we becoming during the darkest moment of our lives? Do we doubt like Thomas did? Do we hide from the world like an injured dog? Or do we, like the women of Galilee continue our connection with the Lord and follow His commandments? The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. They went home and prepared spices and ointments to anoint his body. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment. -Luke 23:55-56 I'd like to claim I did what those women did when I had my Black Friday. But I'm more of a hiding and doubting kind of person and it will take me a few days before I get a grip and move on. This crisis is like the longest, most silent, most excruciating Black Friday we're all experiencing at the present. This will be over soon. While it isn't, I will keep holding on to God's promises. That's all I can do really. He is my hope, my refuge, my source of strength, my inspiration. He went through all the pain of Good Friday and went radio silent on Black Saturday because He knew Sunday is coming. Your turn What is your Black Friday? How do you deal with times like these?
Faith Good Friday 12:21 AM In my Catholic faith, we commemorate Jesus' passion and death today. Good Friday. Have you seen the movie The Passion of the Christ? It's controversial. It's bloody. It's horrific. At every whip, splatter of blood, Christ's cry in pain and tears in Mother Mary's eyes, I could feel my heart crushing. And I find myself asking God, "Why me, Lord?" Why did you allow Yourself to go through all those pain and suffering to save someone like me? For all the sins I've committed, I deserve such punishment. But, not You. When I think about it, it makes me wonder why we call this day Good Friday. There wasn't good from what Jesus went through that day. That one movie's title is more fitting. Today is a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. I watched today's The 7 Last Words Good Friday presentation by The Light of Jesus Family. And this is what I've learned. Good Friday It may seem for Jesus' enemies that He was defeated effortlessly today. He did not resist arrest. He allowed the mob to mock him. He didn't fight the soldiers. He didn't flee. He didn't perform any mind-blowing miracle to show off His power and glory. He was seized, scourged and persecuted like a common criminal. What's good about Good Friday? It's good because on this day, God manifested His great love. That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Giphy It's good because God sent Jesus to bridge the gap between us and Him that was brought about by our sinful ways. It's good because Jesus showed us the best example of humility, obedience to the Father, surrender and faith. It's good because in Jesus' human form, He exhibited remarkable courage. That while He was praying at the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was in such agony and fear that He sweat blood. Scientifically speaking, hematidrosis or sweating blood generally happens when a person feels intense fear or stress. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote that soldiers sweat blood before battle. This gives me hope. That even when situations get extremely scary, I can carry on knowing that God's is with me and His will I just need to pray and surrender. Good Friday is still good maybe not while it's happening, but because of the promised victory that comes after it. Giphy It may feel like we're defeated by the enemy, but the final battle is not over yet. We have this saying in Filipino, "Ang bida ng pagpapabugbog sa simula." The protagonist of the story---the hero---makes it look like the bad guys are winning at the start. Plot twist! He wins in the end. In our lives, many times it seems the enemy is winning. Good Friday is proof that suffering and setbacks happen. But it is only a set up for our success. Giphy Plot twist: God always wins. Ah, what a beautiful thought to carry in our hearts. Good Friday is a really, really REALLY good day. Your turn What is your Good Friday reflection?
Faith Holy Thursday 12:17 AM Holy Thursday I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: thank God for technology. Today I get to watch The Feast's Holy Thursday retreat. Reflection God's rejection is God's redirection. How many times have you experienced rejection? I think it's one of the most painful feelings in the world regardless of who or what caused it. It feels like somebody grabbed your heart from the inside your chest, crushed it mercilessly and threw it away. You feel helpless. Worthless. It's like all your dreams ended in just one snap. What to do now? What happens next? This is one of my favorite verses: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11 I like to go back to this verse especially when (1) my plans didn't work out or (2) when I face uncertainties. Like this life in the time of c oronavirus. When is this going to end? What do we do now? What happens after the l ockdown has been lifted? What if clients would stop paying because of this crisis? Too many questions. Even the experts can only give us an estimate. It feels like all the plans we have for 2020 and the years to follow have been put on hold. Is God rejecting my dreams? Are my plans not going to come to pass? Hundreds of questions sure kept me awake during the first few weeks of the C OVID-19 outbreak. I believe right now we are all being redirected to something better. Tenor Better for nature Hey, nature is thriving. People are enjoying cleaner air. Even water in famous Venice canal is now clearer. Animals freely strolling without the danger of humans and cars. Ducks in the streets. Cows at the beach. Deers and goats going around the cities. I don't know about you but I find it lovely seeing that we share this planet with these beautiful creatures. Giphy (A little scary too though because they also spotted a cheetah in India. Predators roaming around your neighborhood is not a good thing.) But live animal markets or meat markets are closing. What environmentalists and animal rights activists have been trying to do for decades, Mother Nature only did for months. Of course it's not over yet. The use of animals as commodity for food, accessories and lab testing is not going to end altogether soon. But it's a good start. People are realizing that growing your food in the garden is more practical especially during a p andemic. We are learning that plants are safer and better alternatives because you'll never find a broccoli with a flu. A carrot does not carry a virus. We're seeing how the earth thrives if we respect other creatures and care for nature. Be still We are so busy with our modern fast-paced life that sometimes it feels as though life is just passing us by. This l ockdown has forced us to stay still. If you're used to juggling many tasks and a busy lifestyle, you may feel restless at first. Just be in the moment. Enjoy this break while it lasts. Indeed there is a blessing behind this challenge. I declare with faith that there is something good that will happen to you and me. Your turn What are you thankful for during this l ockdown? Share you experience of rejection and how it redirected you to something better.
Faith Trade Off 12:05 AM Trade Off I'm still listening to husband and wife Arun and Lallaine Gogna's Quaretreat every night. This helps me a lot with my mental health. The c oronavirus may only have infected a certain number of people but psychologically and mentally, we are all affected. On this day 8 of my l ockdown diary, they talked about trade off. Is there something you thought was important that during this q uarantine you realize you can trade off for essentials like food, sanitizer and masks? What are they? Best trade God always asks us to trade. In my life, He's asked me many times to let go of what I've been holding on to dearly: my work, old friends, failing relationships, my plans. It's hard. It takes a while. I could really be stubborn. Good thing is that God doesn't give up on us. He is patient and gentle. But He doesn't stop until He brings us safely to where He wants us to be. Until we are cut off from the people who bring us harm. Until we are protected from which we thought was good for us. Today, I remember yet again how blessed I am to have an amazing God. He has my best interest in mind. God's plans are better than what I have for myself. Pinterest This life in the time of c oronavirus may feel like a struggle for me many times but He has something special in store for me, that I'm sure. There is a purpose behind this predicament. There is a blessing behind this burden. There is a beautiful story waiting to unravel, a wonderful lesson that needs to be learned. I am trading off my comfortable life and temporary freewill to surrender to His will. I may not see it yet, but I know the ending will be amazing. For me and for all of us. We just need to trust in Him. After all, He traded His majesty to be with us and be one of us. All because He wants to save us. That is hands down the biggest trade off ever. Your turn What are you willing to trade off or let go? How has this crisis been affecting your mental health? P.S. Yesterday I shared about my fondness for gardening. So today I searched more videos about gardening. It's addicting. And my husband picked a branch of beautiful pink flowers for me on his way home from the groceries. It's a good day. 😊
Faith Music: Oceans (Where My Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United 4:37 PM Oceans by Hillsong United is one of the songs with the most profound lyrics I've heard about our imperfect faith and God's infinite love. His perfect love is greater than our imperfections. In our weakness, He is at His strongest. Where our human frailty limits us, He can do the impossible and bring us farther than we can wander. Our dead end is just the beginning of a new detour He has planned for us. Nothing can limit His greatness. With all that's going on right now, I thought it's right to share this music again. Let us remember how blessed we are. Let us remember how powerful our God is. He can part the ocean to let His people go. He can heal the sick and even raise the dead. There is nothing God cannot do. Let us declare in faith that this too shall pass. Our God is great than this virus. Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep? Have the gates of death been shown to you? Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness? Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this. -Job 38: 16-18 First published: 06/22/2014 8:57 PM
Faith Life Lessons From A Bumblebee: Fly Anyway 1:00 PM When people tell you your wings are too small, flap them and fly anyway. Life Lessons From A Bumblebee: Fly Anyway They say that the bumblebee is not supposed to fly. It is not physically capable of flying. The bumblebee's wing size is not big enough to support its body and make flying possible. Experts argue. Science keeps on proving facts and debunking myths. But, the bumblebee in all its glory flies anyway. Flapping its plain and feeble looking tiny wings and reaching heights experts used to believe it will never reach, the bumblebee defies physics and flies on. Despite what the naysayers, doubters, critics and the pros say, the bumblebee minds its own business; flying triumphantly, hopping from one lovely flower to another, sucking sweet nectar, playing its part in the beautiful circle of life, making the world a little more colorful by defying the odds. The bumblebee does what everyone else says it couldn't and shouldn't do. Because the bumblebee couldn't care less about what others think. Well, they couldn't hear or understand science but you get the picture. I could--for the lack of a better word---be jealous of the bumblebee. How I wish I couldn't hear or understand what the "experts" say about what I can and cannot do. I could be reaching heights I never thought I could. I could be doing things I never thought I'd be able to do. I could be accomplishing incredible things. But, no. I listen to people who plant doubt in my heart. "Yeah, right. That's the dream. Dream on." "Who told you you can? Look at yourself." "You're too dumb for that." Bumblebee, you don't know how lucky you are! Here's the good news for us who are not as lucky as the bumblebee: it's never too late! It's okay to start over. It is never too late to be what you might have been (George Eliot). I can still do what the bumblebee does; fly even though people tell me I can't. I'll pursue my purpose. I'll be an essential part of the circle of life, making the world a little more beautiful with what I do. It's time to heed the lesson the bumblebee has been teaching us since it flapped its wings from day one and showed the critics how wrong they were. Who are the "experts" in your life? Who are those people who tell you "you can't do it"? Your parents Maybe they are your parents who belittle your dreams. Sometimes they don't mean it. They maybe trying to protect you from heartache and disappointments. They just don't know how to say it right. You have to understand that they might have gotten this from their parents too. Look at the culture they grew up in. Consider the condition and situation where they were raised. Your teacher Maybe it's your teacher who told you you're not good enough or you're slow. You're not alone. In 1895, Albert Einstein’s teacher told his father: “It doesn’t matter what he does, he will never amount to anything.” Einstein, like the bumblebee didn't listen to that expert and flapped his wings and flew anyway. Do you know who that teacher was? I bet you don't. But, who hasn't heard of Einstein's name? He put a dent in this world. 😉 Your boss Maybe your boss told you that you will never be successful. If you look up to that person as he's an expert in your field, you may believe him. But his opinion does not define you. He's just as human and imperfect as you are. Continue to learn, improve and train. It's good to be self-aware. Know your limitations. Know what you need to develop. Get better every day. All the experts were once newbies. Maybe once in their lives they also wanted to fly but someone cut their wings off. Trolls You maybe pouring your heart out and spending hours of your precious time writing an article, creating videos, finishing your arts, and then a troll saw it and tell you the most hurtful comments you've heard. These are noises. They are definitely not experts and not worth giving your time. Hurting people hurt people. It is sad but that's the reality. Where are your wings? What are you good at? What is the one thing that you really want to do? Flap your tiny wings. Make do of whatever little it is that you have. What are your gifts? Your talent, your skills, your creativity, your wit, the passion in your heart---they are all that you need to bring you places. Of course, you need to fuel them with faith. Know if your dreams are really yours and not those of others for you. They maybe little for the doubters' and naysayers' eyes, and in the years of listening to them, their size may have shrunk in your eyes too. Use them anyway. What if David saw his weapon the way onlookers saw it? "That's all you have? A sling and five stones? They're good for fending off animals and protecting your sheep. But they're no match to this mighty giant. Get real! Go back to being a shepherd." They wouldn't have defeated the Philistines. If he changed his weapon to a sword, he might have not won. Because those were not his "wings". David may look like a loser to soldiers but he did what he's good at...and eventually became a king. Whose wings are you using? Is that really what you want and not what your parents wish you would do? Is it really what you expect to do and not what society dictates you? Do you want to do it because everybody's doing it and you're scared to be the odd one out? If you're about to give in to peer pressure, remember these words from Rick Warren: Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. Flap your plain and feeble looking tiny wings. Prove the doubters wrong. More importantly, prove it to yourself. For you are your own worst critic. It's hard to shake off the negativity if it's inside your head 24/7. Change the movie playing in your head. In reality, you are the only one stopping you from reaching your dreams. The critics' words are just words. It's up to you if you will let it become your reality. The bumblebee did not let science define his destiny. He let his heart direct him. Just be. Just do. Just fly. Defy the odds. Like that little bumblebee, ignore what they say and fly anyway.