
Foam Roofing For Homes

8:00 AM

Foam Roofing For Homes

Construction guy doing foam roofing for homes

Foam roofing for homes is made of spray polyurethane foam (SPF). 

It is the ideal roofing option if you’re looking to waterproof your roof and insulate your home with material that will keep it warm during winter and cool during summer.

Foam roofing provides sturdy, uniform, and long-lasting coverage and can be applied to any type of roof.

In addition, it offers incredible protection from potential damage by rain, hail, and snow for years to come.

Foam Roofing for Homes: 4 Frequently Asked Questions by Homeowners

1. How is foam roofing installed? 

Foam roofs are installed by spraying polyurethane foam onto your existing roof in a seamless, uniform layer. 

The spraying system ensures that the tough corners and hard-to-reach areas on your roof all get the same, even coverage.

In contrast to conventional roofing, which is manufactured elsewhere and then transported to your location and fixed piece by piece on the roof, foam roofing is done on-site. 

Foam roofing is spray-applied evenly and has no joints or seams, thus leading to considerably less wear and tear over time.

2. What are the key factors determining the life of foam roofing?

Many kinds and densities of foam are used for roofing homes and commercial buildings. 

Only an experienced roofing company with expertise in this particular roofing technique can be trusted to use the type and density of foam ideal for your roof.

Aside from the quality of foaming, the installation technique and equipment greatly determine how well your foam roof will perform over the years. 

Getting the perfect slope is essential for trouble-free and durable SPF roofing. Lastly, the weather must be just suitable for applying the foam.

For these reasons, we recommend that you use the services of only a certified foam application specialist. So if you’re in Denver and looking for one, you’ll find Denver Roofing Companies provide quality residential roofing services for your needs.

Residential roofs with snow

4. Is foam roofing worth the investment? How long does it last?

With regular maintenance, SPF roofing can last for up to 25 years!

Roofing companies, however, usually give a 10-year warranty. 

So the first step to ensure your roof will last a lifetime is to hire a contractor that will give you the surety of a job well done in terms of the quality of material used, the proper slope and drainage, and seamless coverage across uneven surfaces.

3. Do foam roofs need added protection?

Note that SPF roofing is susceptible to damage from UV rays, hailstorms, and birds’ pecking. 

To protect the roof from ultraviolet damage, here’s what you can add:

  • Have an acrylic UV coating applied on top of the foam. 
  • Gravel coating. Another inexpensive option is gravel coating. However, while gravel offers protection from UV and from hail and birds, it is heavy and can only be done on a structure that can take the weight.

We recommend that you consult the best phoenix roofing companies so that you get access to professionals who are experts in SPF installation, repair, and replacement.

Two construction guys working on the ceiling

Whether you’re looking for roofing options for your residential or commercial property, hire only an accredited roofing company that employs certified workmen.

Remember that when it comes to something as crucial as foam roofing for your home, experience matters most!

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  1. Never knew foam roofing existed. Additionally, unsure I am if it will fit our Malaysian weather. Great knowledge though.
