Health & Wellness

Working Out With Friends

11:54 PM

Working Out With Friends

Are you having a hard time finding the motivation and drive to get out of the house and head to the gym on a regular basis? Getting fit isn’t a cake walk, it’s a challenge, and for many people, the biggest hurdle is just making it to the gym in the first place. This is exactly why working out with friends can prove to be a great solution. So, how can it help you to meet your fitness goals and get past that bump? Here’s a look at how working out with friends can benefit you, and them.

Working Out With Friends 

It Forces You to Follow Through

One of the top reasons to start working out with friends is that it forces you to make a commitment and then stick to it. If you've set a time and date to work out with your friend, then you're going to feel bad letting them down. This forces follow-through, which may have been lacking before. 

It Adds a Level of Healthy and Fun Competition

Some people respond well to a little competition and by working out with friends there is bound to be at least a little competition. You can push each other that extra bit further. Maybe you'll feel inclined to do that extra rep, lift that extra weight, or extend your workout an extra 15 minutes. A little healthy competition can be excellent for you and your fitness goals. 

Add a Level of Fun to Your Workouts

If you're the type that sees a workout as just that - work - then you aren't alone. By working out with friends, you can start to change your perception and see it more as a social opportunity rather than a workout. If you’re chatting with friends, cracking jokes, and catching up on the gossip then that workout is going to fly right by. 

Add a Level of Fun to Your Workouts

Slash the Dropout Rate Drastically

Here's an interesting statistic for you. Did you know that 40% of people end up dropping out of a fitness class or course not long after it starts up? However, if you attend that class with friends, the dropout rate is only 6%! That is a significant difference. 

How Can it Benefit Your Friends?

As for how it benefits your friends, well there are a few things that stand out. First off, it gives friends a chance to experience the gym you prefer, and check out the facilities and the atmosphere. Some gyms, including this gym in Englewood, CO, offer packages with unlimited guest privileges, which gives your friends a real chance to see what gym-life is all about. They may even decide to join with you and then you will have a permanent workout buddy.

Of course, there is also the fact that it gives you and your friend a chance to bond and socialize while getting healthy. 

It’s a Win-Win for All

Working out with friends is truly a win-win situation for all. You each get the health benefits of a great workout, plus it ends up feeling more like a get together with a buddy, helping you to get through it more easily.

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