Lux Thinking Aloud Thank You For Being Here: Thanksgiving Message 3:38 PM Thank You For Being Here Thanksgiving Message It's been a while since I wrote something personal here. Not a life hack, love advice, or raving over my current book obsession. Not thinking about SEO or engagement. Just a raw, straight-from-the-heart message. Since it's time to express gratitude, let me give you my Thanksgiving message: thank you for being here. Especially if you've been around before I even took blogging seriously.To my OG readers, thank you for staying.I started writing because I'm too much of an introvert to talk about my feelings and thoughts. So, if you've been here since 2011, you've seen me pour my broken heart out over breakups, friendships that drifted apart, or generally over how messed up the world has become. But you didn't leave. As I evolved into a more mindful writer (yeah, I don't rant so much about life online anymore 😄), you stayed. My shift in interests and topics of choice might have given you a whiplash over the years, but you stayed. I'm eternally grateful for that. You're the real MVP. I consider you my friend, albeit online, so know that you're more than welcome to message me if you want to talk about life. To my new visitors, thank you for being here.You could've been doing something else with your time, but you chose to spend it reading my thoughts and sharing my experiences with me. Time is one of the most incredible things you could give someone, and I thank you for giving me a little bit of yours. I hope you stay!To my clients, thank you for your trust.Thank you for making this girl's dream come true: getting paid by doing what I love. Writing for your brand gives me purpose and pleasure. Your business has supported my passion, allowing me to maintain this website...and buy as many books as my storage can hold. To my favorite authors, thank you for sharing your world with me.I've been to many places. And lived multiple exciting lives thanks to the beautiful books you've written. Your mind is a treasure trove. Thank you for introducing me to those unforgettable characters and allowing me to visit those charming places that could only exist in your imagination. They could've stayed in your brilliant minds, but you chose to share them with the world. Thank you for being so generous.To my naysayers, thank you for inspiring me.Thank you for telling me, "You're not a writer, and you'll never be one." Your comments surely have fueled me to learn more and be better at what I do. I am truly, sincerely, genuinely touched by the amount of time and energy you spend thinking and talking about me. You're one of the reasons I keep going. Thanks for keeping me grounded.To my amazing husband, thank you for being the best.I knew you were the one from when you told me you read my blog to get to know me more. 😅Marriage may be a roller coaster ride, but I'm beyond grateful you're the one I'm riding this crazy life with. I couldn't ask for a better partner. You never made me doubt or second-guess our marriage. I sleep better knowing that you always have my back. Thank you for showing me how to be unequivocally loved, accepted, appreciated, and celebrated by simply being myself.To myself, thank you for not giving up!Don't get weirded out if I address myself here. Because I give myself a pep talk and hype myself up all the time (studies show that it's actually healthy). So, allow me to write this Thanksgiving message:Dear Self,Oh, the battles we've been through the past few years! But look at you still standing. Still fighting. Still finding joy and beauty in your every day.Thank you for being strong and kind and for not losing your humor and sense of wonder. You are magnificent. You got this!Thanksgiving MessageMy life is not perfect, but my heart is filled with gratitude. Who or what are you thankful for the most this year?
Books Book Review: Twisted Love By Ana Huang 3:42 PM Book Review: Twisted Love By Ana Huang I’ve recently started my Ana Huang era. She’s amazing! I saw the Twisted Series’ low rating on Goodreads, but then I kept seeing it pop up on Instagram with raving reviews, so here we are. Here’s my book review of Twisted Love by Ana Huang.Twisted Love by Ana Huang Book SummaryCharactersAlex Volkov is ice-hearted and has a haunting past he’s used to fuel his relentless push towards success and revenge. There is no room for love in his frozen heart. But when fate shackles him to care for his best friend’s little sister, he feels a frosty shift within. “Perhaps I should be grateful he never smiled because if that was what he looked like while doing it…womankind didn’t stand a chance.”Ava Chen is a free spirit caged with a forgotten childhood memory. Her damaged history hasn’t tarnished her view of the world’s beauty. But the romance between her brother’s best friend and her?That’s a huge no-no. As they soon learned, love doesn’t play by the rules. When it sparks between Ava and Alex, they find themselves on a sled ride toward explosive secrets that could incinerate what they cherish most.“You are the only woman I have eyes for. Your enemies are my enemies, your friends are my friends, and if you wanted, I would burn down the world for you.”“I hated how much I wanted her, and I hated that she wasn’t smart enough to run away from me while she still had a chance. Though, let’s be honest, it was already too late. She was mine. She just didn’t know it yet.”TropesInterracial RomanceBillionaire RomanceClose proximity (neighbors)Off-limitsBrother’s best friendOpposites attractGrumpy vs SunshineSuspense“Touch her and 💀” vibeAnti-heroTwisted Love by Ana Huang Book ReviewRating⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ / 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶Twisted Love is intense, addictive, gripping, sexy, and angsty but also funny and swoony. I love all the groveling, the side characters, and just everything about it.Why I Like It:The coldhearted Alex falls in love. When Alex cracks open and shows strong emotions for Ava, it’s like watching a frozen lake thaw in fast-forward. Hot, hilarious, swoony.The suspenseful unfolding of the past. Aside from the budding romance between Alex and Ava, their complex, layered, mysterious past had me flipping the pages. I like that the suspense doesn’t steal the spotlight from the romance but spices up the storyline, keeping you on your toes. Sassy Ava. Ava is the kind of gal you’d want to be friends with. Sassy, even when faced with a crazy jealous ex, is funny, thoughtful, driven, and has so much love to give. Plus, she can bake a mean red velvet dessert, and I have a sweet tooth, so there’s that. Ava’s friends. Her friends are fabulous - a real-life princess, a soon-to-be lawyer, and a gorgeous influencer - and they’re all supportive and loyal to each other.I despise alphaholes in real life, but authors can make them endearing. How he cares for, supports, and protects her overshadows his negative side. “You are cold and infuriating and, I admit, a little scary. But you are also patient and supportive and brilliant. You inspire me to chase my dreams and drive away my nightmares. You are everything I didn’t know I needed, and you make me feel safer than anyone else on the planet.”Black ShirtDid it live up to the hype? It did for me. I’m so glad I gave it a try despite the terrible reviews.Will I recommend this book? Yes, if you like the tropes and don’t mind the author’s warning:This book contains possessive, morally gray alpha hole, explicit sexual content, and profanity. No cheating or menage, but if you’re looking for a traditionally sweet, loveable hero, this book is not for you. Recommended for 18+What you can expect from this book Hilarious banterFamily action drama (it’s NOT a sobfest, it’s actually exciting)Thrilling unraveling of both characters’ pastWhat the author warned you aboutFavorite ScenesOperation: Emotion (Ava trying to crack through Alex’s emotions as prodded by her friend Jules)Boudoir shootAlex appearing at Ava’s workplaceAll of Alex’s groveling to win Ava backFavorite Quotes from the Book“Don’t fall for guys who look like they could break your heart because chances are they will.”“Are there awful people in the world? Yes. Do awful things happen? Yes. But wonderful people exist and wonderful things happen too, and if you focus too much on the negative, you miss all the positive.”“I’d rather be the villain with her by my side than the hero who risked losing her because of a misguided sense of morality.”“You are the light to my dark, Sunshine. Without you, I’m lost.” Reaction GifsWhat are you reading next?Add Twisted Love to your TBR list. It’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited and available in paperback and audiobook. Image credit:Header image, Ava Chen and Alex Volkov generated by Internet Marketing Ad.Question for YouWould you lie to someone you love to protect them? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.Hey, book lovers! You can find me on Goodreads, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you give me a follow, drop me a message so I can return the favor. Let’s create a cozy corner for chapter chasers and share our passion for literature. (No following to unfollow, please!)Check out my top romance novel recommendations categorized by tropes.This post contains affiliate links, so we’d get a commission if you purchase through the links at no additional cost. Thank you!
Books Book Review: Obsession Falls By Claire Kingsley 3:37 PM ARC Book Review: Obsession Falls by Claire Kingsley I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to receive my first advanced reader copy (ARC). Ever! It's a book written by one of my favorite romance authors, and its release date is October 12, 2023. Let's get this ARC book review of Obsession Falls by Claire Kingsley started.Book SummaryAudrey's back in her hometown with her Mom and spoiled Persian cat. Temporarily just until she found her footing again.She's gone through many job rejections that she reluctantly accepted a job at a local newspaper in the next town as a...well, she didn't even know the full job description. She was just winging it.When roomies turn to room-foes, thanks to Audrey's playful and energetic derpy dog who couldn't leave the cat alone, she grabs the first pet-friendly rental she sees. Enter Josiah - the grumpy hunky lumberjack neighbor and landlord doing some fixer-upper magic next door. After his past experiences, Josiah embraced the peaceful life of solitude.Sparks fly between these two despite the awkward and embarrassing meet-up. But when a creeper starts stalking Audrey, Josiah goes into full protective mode to keep her safe. GiphyTropesSmalltown romanceLandlord - TenantGrumpy loner - Sunshiny dog loverSuspense (Stalker)ARC Book Review: Obsession Falls by Claire KingsleyWhen Claire announced that she'd be writing about the Havens, I thought it would be awkward or odd because of their rivalry with the Baileys in the Bailey Brothers series (one of my fave small-town romance series). But that series ended so well that seeing the families here post-feud is heartwarming.I get a thrill every time a character I know is mentioned. It gives me that warm, nostalgic feeling like coming home for the holiday after a long time of being away.The story has a good blend of comedy, suspense, and romance.Claire Kingsley has a talent for writing likable characters. Despite being terrible at communicating, Josiah is a kind person, a good son, and a successful real estate mogul. Audrey remains optimistic and cheerful, even though life has thrown her some tough challenges.I love the chemistry between Josiah and Audrey. It's not as spicy as Claire's previous romance novels, but it still got some steam.I love returning to the quirky little town of Tilikum - home of my favorite Bailey brothers."I liked the quaintness and slow pace of Tilikum life." Audrey YoungWill I recommend this book? Definitely! I'm yet to read a Claire Kingsley book that I didn't enjoy.TumblrFavorite ScenesPicnicEvery scene of Max, the derpy dogEvery time the Tilikum squirrels are behaving the way they always have "The squirrels around here thought they owned the place." - Josiah HavenMy Book Rating4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 🌶🌶I enjoyed this book, and the only reason I'm not giving it a perfect 5 is that I could guess who the stalker was early on, and I love a suspense thriller that keeps me guessing until the end. That's just me, though. I see reviews saying they didn't see it coming. I guess I've been reading more detective series than I realize.I also expected the spice level to be the same as the previous series (they were really spicy), but that doesn't mean this book is missing the heat. Sparks are still flying. You will still swoon.You can say it's a personal preference, but it doesn't reflect how Claire Kingsley writes. She's still one of my favorite auto-buy authors, and I'll continue to devour all her books in the future.PinterestQuotes from the Book "Nice girls didn't belong with a$$holes like me. She was blue sky and sunshine, plucky optimism, and happiness. I was a stoic cloud of optimism and surliness. It would never work.""I liked him because he was gruff and stoic and sexy and surprisingly sweet under that surly lumberjack exterior.""I'm not leaving you unless you make me."What are you reading next?What are you reading this season? Hope you like my first-ever ARC review and get a copy of Obsession Falls by Claire Kingsley. It's free on Kindle Unlimited and also available in paperback and audiobook.This post contains affiliate links, so we'd get a commission if you purchase through the links at no additional cost. Thank you!Check out my top romance novel recommendations categorized by tropes.Hey, you wanna be book buddies? I share reading tips, short book reviews, recommendations, and funny memes on my Instagram account @booksandblogs_lux. Follow me there!
Health & Wellness The Dos And Don'ts Of Sarcasm And Its Surprising Benefits 1:51 PM Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence. - Oscar WildeSarcasm is the witty and playful way of communication we all know and love. Used well, it can add humor and depth to conversations. Used poorly, it can hurt feelings and cause confusion. I enjoy a healthy dose of sarcasm myself. As it's apparently Sarcastic Month, I'm sharing this article to explore using sarcasm effectively without causing offense. We'll also highlight some surprising benefits of sarcasm for emotional and physical health when used with care. Sarcasm has developed a bad reputation over the years, but it doesn't have to be that way.With some thoughtfulness in the dos and don'ts of sarcasm, we can enjoy sarcasm and all it brings to our relationships and lives. What is Sarcasm? Sarcasm is a playful twist of language when you say something but mean the exact opposite, often in a funny or teasing way. It's like saying "great job" when someone makes a silly mistake. Sarcasm is the seasoning that spices up our everyday conversations. Yet, it's not always just for giggles. Sometimes, sarcasm can be a soft-touch strategy, a gentle way to critique or point out flaws without appearing too harsh. What Does Sarcasm Say About a Person? Sarcasm can show a person's smarts. It takes quick thinking to say the opposite of what you mean in a funny way. It can show someone is feeling playful, looking to lighten the mood or get a laugh. Sarcasm sometimes hides a person's true feelings. They could be upset or frustrated but don't want to show it. Not everyone gets sarcasm. Some people might think you're being serious or even mean. The key is to know when and where to use sarcasm. There's a time and a place for everything. Why Do We Use Sarcasm? Sarcasm is a way to deal with challenging situations. When life gets heavy, a sarcastic comment can lighten the load. It helps us fit in with others. If your friends love to crack sarcastic jokes, you might join in to feel part of the group. Sarcasm can be a shield. If you're feeling nervous or shy, a wry comment might help you feel more comfortable. We use it to make points without being harsh. "Nice job cleaning up," you might say to your messy roommate. It's easier than saying, "You're really untidy." I use sarcasm for reasons 1 and 3 above. How about you? 7 Common Types of Sarcasm 1. Self-deprecating Sarcasm This is when you use sarcasm on yourself. For example, if you trip over nothing, you might say, "I'm so graceful!" 2. Brooding Sarcasm This sarcasm is more serious and often used when someone is upset. For instance, after a tough day, you might say, "Well, isn't this just my lucky day?" 3. Deadpan Sarcasm Here, you deliver a sarcastic comment with a straight face and a monotone voice. It's like when you say, "I'm thrilled," without emotion when you're handed extra work. 4. Polite Sarcasm This is sarcasm wrapped in politeness. If your friend offers you an expired candy, you might say, "Oh, how generous!" 5. Obnoxious Sarcasm This is bold and over-the-top. For example, "Oh, sure, I'd love to watch paint dry." 6. Raging Sarcasm This is angry sarcasm. If someone cuts you in line, you might say, "Excuse me; I must be invisible." 7. Manic Sarcasm This is wild and energetic sarcasm. Imagine declaring, "Yes! Another parking ticket, just what I needed!" when you spot a fine on your windshield. The Do's and Don'ts of Sarcasm 1. Dos: Know your audience. Before making a sarcastic comment, think if it's something they'll find amusing or offensive.Be mindful of the situation. A highly serious or tense scenario may not be the best time for sarcasm.Use a light tone. Make it clear that you're joking. You don't want people to think you're being mean.Use sarcasm as a spice, not the main dish. Too much can ruin the conversation. 2. Don'tsDon't use sarcasm to hurt others. Holding your tongue is better if you aim to upset or belittle someone. Don't be sarcastic if you know someone won't get the joke. If you remember Aunt Edna's confused face at dinner last Christmas after your sarcastic comment, it's better to skip the sarcasm this time. Don't hide behind sarcasm. Expressing your true feelings is okay. You don't always need to use sarcasm as a shield. 4 Benefits of Sarcasm 1. Stress Relief Have you ever had a bad day and then cracked a sarcastic joke? It might have made you feel better. Cutting through the stress with a sharp quip can help lighten the mood. 2. Boosts Creativity Coming up with a witty, sarcastic comment requires quick thinking and a dash of creativity. 3. Social Bonding When our friends 'get' our sarcastic humor, it can bring us closer. It's a shared laugh, a moment that says, "We speak the same language." 4. Expression Sarcasm can be a less confrontational way of expressing your feelings. Instead of saying, "You're late again," a sarcastic "Nice of you to join us" gets the same point across with a dash of humor. Sarcasm is best in moderation. Use it wisely, and you have a powerful connection and communication tool. 10 Examples of Sarcasm in Different Situations 1. At Work Your coworker forgot the coffee for the fifth time. With a smile, you say, "Well, isn't it great how you keep us on our toes!" 2. With Friends Your friend trips over an invisible pebble. You go, "Wow, I didn't know we were in the presence of a professional acrobat!" 3. On a Rainy Day It's raining cats and dogs, and you quip, "Excellent weather for a beach day, isn't it?" 4. During a Movie The movie's plot is more tangled than a bowl of spaghetti. You remark, "Well, isn't this storyline just crystal clear!" 5. At HomeYour sibling leaves their stuff all over. You announce, "I just love how you've decided to redecorate the floor."6. A Late Friend Your friend arrives late (again). You greet them with, "So glad you could make it before the end of the century!"7. DIY Disaster Your friend attempts a DIY project that ends up in disaster. You appreciate their effort, saying, "Well, it's certainly one-of-a-kind!"8. Traffic Jam You're stuck in a never-ending traffic. You sigh, "Just where I dreamed of spending my evening."9. Cooking Fail You burn dinner. Looking at the blackened pan, you say, "Well, I was going for the charcoal aesthetic."10. In Class The professor makes things overly complicated. You whisper to your friend, "With all these clear explanations, we'll ace this course, no problem!" 8 Sarcastic Quotes from Movies and TV"Yes, because a vasectomy without drugs is really enjoyable!" - Ross Geller, Friends. "I love sarcasm. It's like punching people in the face but with words." - Detective Jake Peralta, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. "Oh, I'm being rude. I'm Pam." - Pam Beesly, The Office."I'm not a box. There are more than four sides to me." - Daria Morgendorffer, Daria."I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you." - Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock."Do I look like a 'people person'?" - Dr. House, House MD."I don't hate you. I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence." - Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory."Oh, you hate your job? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY." - Bill Murray.Rachel: "Seriously, Ross, breathe louder, that's great." Ross: "Y'know, we should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that's half-human, half-pure evil!" - FriendsJanice: "What a small world!" Chandler: "And yet I never run into Beyoncé!" - Friends 10 Sarcastic Quotes from Books"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally." - WC Fields, The Best of WC Fields. "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho. "Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." – Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. "If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments." - Steven Wright, The Complete Works of Steven Wright. "I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there." - Oscar Wilde, The Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde. "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin, The Pleasure of My Company. "If you are going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill, Memoirs of the Second World War. "Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." - Charles Bukowski, Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame. "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." - Albert Einstein, Essays in Humanism. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein, The World As I See It. All gifs are from TenorSarcastic Humor: Use with Caution Sarcasm is a linguistic acrobat capable of turning a conversation on its head in a millisecond. When used thoughtfully and positively, sarcasm can tickle the funny bone and tighten the bond between friends. But a misplaced sarcastic comment can just as quickly deflate a mood. So remember these dos and don'ts of sarcasm the next time you're itching for a witty comeback. To be funny is cool, but kindness is way better. Are you a fan of sarcastic humor? What's your favorite sarcastic quote?
Books Reading On A Budget: How To Feed Your Book Obsession 3:18 PM Hi, I’m Lux. I’m a book addict. And I’ve got good news for my fellow bookaholics. Unraveling the magic of books shouldn't break the bank! There is a way. Let’s explore some practical strategies for feeding your book obsession affordably so you can keep reading on a budget. I’m talking from experience here, so you can trust me on this.1. Embrace Library Resources One of the best ways to read on a budget is by utilizing your local library. With a library membership, you can borrow books for free, access a wide selection of titles, and explore e-books and audiobooks through digital library platforms. Make the most of these valuable resources to expand your reading options without spending a dime. Tumblr2. Discover E-Books and Digital Libraries E-books and digital libraries provide affordable reading options. Explore platforms that offer low-cost or free e-book downloads. You'll be amazed at the vast selection, perfect for budget-conscious book lovers.Project Gutenberg: A vast collection of over 60,000 free e-books, including classics and out-of-print titles, available in various formats.Open Library: An open, editable library catalog that offers access to millions of e-books, including contemporary titles and historical texts, in partnership with libraries worldwide.Librivox: A volunteer-driven platform that provides free audiobooks of public domain books narrated by volunteers worldwide.ManyBooks: A digital library offering a wide range of free e-books covering various genres, with options to download in different formats for easy compatibility.Google Books: An extensive online database that allows users to preview and access a vast collection of books, including full texts of out-of-copyright works and limited previews of copyrighted books.Giphy3. Buy at Secondhand Bookstores and Thrift Shops This has been my saving grace before my husband bought me a Kindle. Not only did I find great but cheap books (more than a fraction of the original price), but I also felt like I was stepping into a magical place inside a secondhand bookstore. Pre-loved books have a certain charm that you can’t find in newly published ones. There’s like a history and mystery there. My best buy was a well-loved mystery novel for $1.70. Affordable used books and thrift shop finds are the best.Goodreads4. Join Book Swaps or Reading Communities Participate in book swaps or join reading communities to share and exchange books. Not only can you discover new titles, but you can also reduce expenses by borrowing books from fellow enthusiasts. After reading, you’d engage with like-minded readers, swap theories, and share your love for literature. Hey, you wanna be book buddies? I share reading tips, short book reviews, recommendations, and funny memes on my Instagram account @booksandblogs_lux. Follow me there!Giphy5. Utilize Discounted Booksellers Discounted booksellers, online retailers, and regular book sales are excellent resources for cost-effective reading. Watch for discounted books and special promotions to expand your collection without straining your budget. With some research, you can find affordable books and save money while satisfying your bookworm cravings.Book Outlet: Book Outlet offers discounted books at up to 90% off the retail price, featuring a wide range of genres and new releases, making it a fantastic choice for bookworms on a budget.ThriftBooks: ThriftBooks is a famous online bookstore that sells high-quality used books at affordable prices, with an extensive selection and a rating system to ensure customer satisfaction.Better World Books: Better World Books offers discounted books and supports literacy initiatives, with each purchase contributing to global literacy efforts, making it an excellent choice for socially conscious readers looking for great deals.6. Embrace E-Book Deals and Promotions Keep an eye out for e-book deals, discounts, and promotional offers. Many platforms offer limited-time promotions where you can find heavily discounted or even free e-books. Sign up for newsletters or follow your favorite e-book retailers to stay updated on the latest deals and maximize your reading budget.And watch out for Amazon’s Stuff Your Kindle Days. This 2023, you can add books to your Kindle like crazy on March 31, June 30, September 20, and December 27. GiphyReading on a BudgetReading on a budget doesn't mean sacrificing your love for books. I should know! These budget-friendly ways to read will expand your reading horizons without hurting your wallet. Feed your book obsession affordably (yes, not only am I a book addict but also an enabler), indulge in literary adventures, and discover new authors and genres. With these tips and affordable resources, you can continue to enjoy your books while staying true to your budget. Happy reading!Check out my top romance novel recommendations categorized by tropes.
People Mario Kleff's Leopards: A Tale Of Love And Sacrifice 2:16 PM By Thiti TeerachinIn the bustling landscapes of Pattaya, a story of unparalleled devotion unfolded. At the heart of this tale was Mario Kleff, an architect with a burgeoning business, the Wandeegroup. Yet, when life presented him with two leopard cubs, their fragile eyes still sealed shut, their limbs too tender to walk, Mario's world pivoted.The initial phase involved meticulous steps to ensure legality—registering the leopards, and embedding microchips for identification. While the local wildlife authorities had regulations and reservations about their dwelling place, the leopards, Fasai and Typhoon, quickly established their dominion over Mario's life and home.The dedication Mario poured into their care was profound. Consulting wildlife specialists, feeding them with feline care, and personally nursing them through their initial blindness showcased his unwavering commitment. Yet, with every profound bond, challenges are bound to arise. A mere glimpse by an unsuspecting passerby at the Wandeegroup premises led to heightened scrutiny, entangling Mario in a battle of love, commitment, and sacrifice.Mario once remarked, "I adopted them in my mind and heart," and he lived every word. The bond sometimes strained his domestic life, threatened his professional existence, and even led to significant financial decisions. Mario's pledge to Fasai and Typhoon was unequivocal, even if it meant sidelining prospective clients or making grand financial sacrifices.Their early days together in Pattaya epitomized a love story unlike any other, a tale of a man and his leopards against the world.The Genesis of a New LifeIn the sprawling wilderness overseen by the Thai wildlife department, Mario Kleff found himself crafting pathways through towering grass, forging what he fondly termed the 'French and English gardens.' Flanked by ancient trees, glistening water channels, and blossoming ferns, these verdant spaces became the playground for his beloved leopards, Fasai and Typhoon. Comfort in ConfinementAmidst this unusual arrangement, the passage of time transformed the barren birdcage into a haven of comfort. With a sheet overhead and occasional treats of water and barbecues, the days unfolded with a semblance of normalcy. Morning visits from Meow and Ming Ming brought nourishment to the body and the soul. Venturing Beyond the CageMario's boundless love and commitment led him to stretch boundaries, literally and figuratively. Evening strolls soon expanded into five-kilometre or more mountainous treks, evoking concern from the wildlife authorities. But as with many things in Mario's journey, compromises were struck, rules redefined, and boundaries redrawn. Deepening Bonds Amidst Legal BattlesBehind this daily routine, the legal wheels churned. The question of who truly 'owned' Fasai and Typhoon was not just a legal battle but a moral and emotional one. After fourteen strenuous months, the courts granted Meow the rightful ownership, a victory bittersweet in its essence. Yet, the bond had grown so deep that even when they could leave, Mario, with Fasai and Typhoon by his side, chose to stay a little longer in what they had come to call home. The Calm Before the StormComfortably settled in the rescue clinic, Mario expanded his horizons by setting up an outdoor office, further blurring the lines between his professional endeavors and unparalleled commitment to the leopards. But as the days went by, tensions with the wildlife department grew palpable, leading them back to Som-O's father's abode. A semblance of peace seemed to have returned, but fate had another twist in store.Heartbreak in the HorizonJust as life appeared to find its rhythm, tragedy struck. Fasai's sudden ailment, the frantic search for remedies, and the devastating discovery of a fatal parasite culminated in a heart-wrenching climax. Mario's attempts to revive her, desperate and fervent, echoed the intensity of their journey together. Sadly, at the tender age of four and a half, Fasai succumbed, leaving a void impossible to fill. Unraveling the Mysterious EndThe post-mortem revelations, linking Fasai's demise to infected buffalo meat, unveiled a larger, grim narrative. The aggressive parasite had claimed other victims at the Chiang Mai Night Safari, revealing the fragility of life and the interconnectedness of destinies.Typhoon's New Horizon in PattayaAfter the heart-wrenching loss of Fasai, Typhoon found himself returning to the familiar embrace of Pattaya. The bustling city, with its juxtaposition of modernity and nature, became his sanctuary. As he roamed its landscapes, he carried with him the memories of Chiang Mai and the indomitable spirit of Fasai, etching their legacy into the heart of Pattaya. Epilogue: A Legacy of LoveMario, Fasai, and Typhoon's tale are not just about a man and his leopards. It's a testament to the boundless capacity of the human heart, the intricate dance of fate, and the resilience of the spirit. In the verdant gardens crafted by Mario, amidst the towering grass and ancient trees, their legacy lives on, a testament to love, sacrifice, and undying devotion.Enter here for more details about Mario Kleff and his leopards.
Books Best Gifts For Book Lovers That Aren't Books [Part 3] 9:30 AM The reading experience doesn't start and end with choosing a good book. It includes having a cozy nook to disappear into and snacks to enjoy your story with. So here's part three of the best gifts for the book lovers in your life: the gift of the comfiest space and a heart and stomach full of joy. 1. Gifts to Make a Cozy Reading NookEvery book lover dreams of a snug corner wrapped in warmth and comfort, creating the perfect ambiance to get lost in the pages of their current favorite. If you aim to gift someone a cozy reading space, you're in for a treat with these suggestions. Book Lamp or Reading LightThe soft glow of this light is a gentle companion for every nocturnal reader. It's designed to illuminate pages without straining the eyes, ensuring you can read comfortably even in the dark. Fleece Throw BlanketThis throw blanket upgrades every reading session. Its plush feel promises warmth and comfort, creating a cocoon readers would love to be wrapped in, book in hand. Bathtub Caddy Tray for ReadingTransform bath time into a luxurious reading retreat. This caddy offers a stable space for books, ensuring they stay dry while the reader unwinds in the bubbles, a glass of wine, and snacks. Ah, the simple joys of a soak and a story. Page HolderThe little things make a difference, and this pageholder is no exception. It provides a comfortable grip, so readers can focus solely on the plot twists and not on holding the book open, which could strain your hands in the long run. Reading Pillows or LoungersSupport and comfort come together in this perfect gift. These pillows and loungers are tailored for long reading sessions, so binge-reader's comfort is prioritized, making it easier to get lost in fictional worlds. Temperature Control Smart MugThe future of mugs. This tech-savvy mug ensures the drink stays at the preferred temperature, making it a match made in heaven for book lovers who don't want their beverage going cold during intense reading moments. Neck Reading LightA touch of innovation for nighttime reading. This neck light offers targeted illumination, freeing up the hands and ensuring the book remains in the spotlight. Flexible, adjustable, and a game-changer for every passionate reader who promises to put the book down after one last chapter. (We've all been there!)2. Gourmet Delights for BookwormsThe right beverage or snack can enhance the reading experience. For book lovers who appreciate gourmet pleasures or love to pair their favorite books with their drink of choice, these picks are bound to tantalize their taste buds. Organic Coffee or TeaThe sound of rain in the background and a cup of your favorite tea or coffee while reading? Pure bliss. These organic selections provide rich flavors, ensuring every reading session is accompanied by a comforting sip. Single-Serve Coffee MakerMoments away from gourmet coffee right in the comfort of your reading nook. This Keurig ensures every brew is perfect, making it an unbeatable companion for those early-morning or late-night reading sessions. Microwave Popcorn MakerReading is a movie playing in your head while reading the script. Is there a snack more satisfying than popcorn while getting engrossed in a thrilling plot? This popcorn maker offers quick, easy, healthier snacking options, ensuring each bite is as exciting as the tale. This post contains affiliate links, so we'd get a commission if you purchase through the links at no additional cost. Thank you!The Gift of Comfort for Book LoversIf you know someone who loves to get lost in the pages, you can complete their journey with these thoughtful non-book gifts. Reading can often be tiring and may induce hunger, so these gifts are sure to come in handy. They are both practical and enjoyable, making them the perfect accompaniment to any bibliophile's reading experience.What's the most thoughtful gift you've received?Best Gifts For Book Lovers That Aren't Books [Part 1]Best Gifts For Book Lovers That Aren't Books [Part 3]Hey, book lovers! You can find me on Goodreads, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you give me a follow, drop me a message so I can return the favor. (No following to unfollow, please! 😒)Check out my top romance novel recommendations categorized by tropes.