Life Lessons

How To Face 2024 Like A Champ With 3 Simple Questions

12:34 PM

How To Face 2024 Like A Champ With 3 Simple Questions

How To Face 2024 Like A Champ With 3 Simple Questions

Spoiler alert: You are already a champion. How else are you still standing today? 2023 wasn’t an easy, friendly year for me either. So, how do we make this year better? I’ve got this idea from Bo Sanchez, one of my favorite motivational authors. Here’s how to face 2024 like a champ with three simple questions.

3 Questions to Help You Face 2024 Like a Champ

  1. What worked? 
  2. What didn’t? 
  3. What will you do differently tomorrow?

1. What worked?

Did you lose weight and feel healthier after you tried a new diet or fitness plan? Do you feel more confident now after trying that workout? Or you started journaling and are now more organized in managing your day. Kudos to you and your hard work! Whatever worked, keep doing it.

2. What didn’t work?

Different things work for different people. While some readers are really good at planning their reading, I’m a mood reader. My goal to cook a new recipe every month failed. If you tried something that didn't work out, it’s time to rethink strategies and find another way. 

3. What will you do differently tomorrow?

Tomorrow’s a blank canvas. What small, exciting change will paint your day masterpiece? It could be anything, from trying a new route for your morning walk to finally tackling that creative project. 

Plan your year better with this FREE Every Day’s a Masterpiece 2024 Planner.

Cut the fluff, punch up the power.

  • Celebrate what habits brought you victory laps. Hold onto those like gold.
  • Learn from your failures. Adapt, experiment, and find the path that works for you.
  • Define your goals and plan your strategy.

Changing Habits

Everything can be learned, including winning habits. Here's a helpful video from Dr Jud about Hacking Your Brain’s “Reward System” to Change Habits.

Be a 2024 Champ

2024 is your arena. Remember, champions thrive on actions. So keep moving and trying. Let these three simple questions guide you as you face and make 2024 your greatest victory yet, champ! 

Question for You

What are you hoping to make happen this year?

Wait! I've got more stories for you...


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  1. New Year is traditionally a reset/refresh time, isn't it? These 3 simple questions are great prompts to get started, thank you :)

  2. I believe in God, and pray to Him to give me the right thoughts and ideas for the New Year. We, humans, don't do too well with our own plans and ideas.

  3. This is so simple. And so wise. And I'm so glad you reminded us of it! (And thanks for dropping by, too!)

  4. Same old hope: that I make my mark.

  5. Last year was good and this year is starting out the same. Great way to declutter your life.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Lux. ♥

  6. That was great information, thanks. I'm hoping to finally get some home fix-it projects done this year, I've been putting them off.

  7. 2023 was a rough year definitely! This is good advice. :)

  8. Oh I love this idea, just three basic questions but it can really help point you in the right direction.

    Allie of

  9. Well written ~ good thoughts ~ change is the one constant of life ~ better if one chooses the change if possible ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Those are great questions upon the completion of anything, not just years.

  11. I'm hoping to make strides in mastering time management this year! By identifying what's been effective, recognizing what hasn't, and embracing small daily changes, I aim to enhance my productivity and creativity. This approach aligns perfectly with the three questions outlined – a fantastic framework for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

  12. I love the methodical way of evaluating what worked and what didn’t. I will look at my goals through this lens.

  13. hope, will be better in 2024....
    thank you to remind all of us...

  14. Last year was really wonderful for me but these questions are really useful, because in some ways 2023 could have been better.

  15. Thought provoking questions!

  16. Very useful post :)

  17. Great post and questions to think about. Happy 2024! :)
