
5 Reasons You Need A Career Coach Like Bashtastic Coaching

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5 Reasons You Need a Career Coach Like Bashtastic Coaching

5 Reasons You Need a Career Coach Like Bashtastic Coaching

Do you spend most of your time browsing LinkedIn looking for that ideal job? You know you have the skills and knowledge, but recruiters don’t even bother glancing at the resume you sent. 

Or are you stuck in the job you thought could help you achieve your goals but find yourself frustrated and bored out of your wits? These are just a couple of reasons you need a career coach like Bashtastic Coaching to help empower you and move forward. 

Career Coach Bashar Salah MS
Bashar Salah MS, Owner of Bashtastic Career Coaching

But what exactly is a career coach? And why should you consider hiring one?

What is a Career Coach?

A career coach helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and goals to achieve more success in your career. A good career coach helps new graduates and early professionals create a bang at the start of their career paths and experienced professionals in their personal and professional development.

5 Reasons You Need a Career Coach Like Bashtastic Coaching

1. You’re feeling lost in your career.

After graduation, what are your career goals? Where do you want to start?

And now that you’re in your dream company and position, how do you move up? Or at least be better at your role?

If you don’t know the answers, you need a career coach to help you define your goals and values. 

A mentor who will patiently help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses and focus on aligning your ideals in your job role. 

A great career coach will help you navigate your profession so you can handle anxiety and never lose motivation. This is what Bashtastic Coaching promises to deliver.

Tired woman with her head on a laptop on the table

2. You can’t find the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

You may be too focused on your tasks and pressured by competition and deadlines you can’t find that perfect opportunity for growth in the industry.

Or you’ve been browsing job markets where you can’t locate that perfect niche. 

Bashtastic Coaching career coach will help you dig through the hidden job market and find valuable connections that can lead you to land a role. Even if that company is not advertising any vacancies.
Elderly man on computer can't find a job

3. Recruiters aren’t paying attention to your resume.

You have the educational background, skills, and experience. 

But how do you translate that to your resume? And how would you stand out amidst the thousands of job applications, especially if it’s in demand?

You can’t count how many resumes you’ve sent and how many times you’ve rewritten and reformatted them just so they will catch a headhunter’s attention.

But your inbox remains quiet.

What does a career coach do? Help you optimize your resume. Bashtastic Coaching career coach will help you upgrade your curriculum vitae to outshine the competition and attract your desired job.

 Faceless executive guy reading papers and crumpling some

4. You find job interviews a nightmare.

Bashtastic Coaching will help you find that confidence to mesmerize the interviewer and nail the interview process.

Improving your speaking and interpersonal skills is one of the biggest reasons you need a career coach to empower you to progress.

Woman shaking hands with recruiter at the office

5. You’re experiencing a career drought.

Have you felt like dragging yourself into work daily because your job is becoming repetitive and pointless?

If you need to decide whether to stay, find a new job, or stick with your company but aim for a different role, a career coach will help guide you through a career change.

Getting out of your comfort zone and making a huge career change could be scary and intimidating. 

Your career coach at Bashtastic Coaching will create a personal development and career progression plan and strategies for success in your current role or industry. 

They will help you step out of your comfort zone into your courage zone.

Tired man sitting on panels with helmet

Where to find a career coach?

Career coaches are now everywhere online. But don’t go hiring random mentors just yet.

To select exceptional career coaching that will empower you in your job and personal life, check out their qualifications and experience.

Ensure you’re getting your money’s worth by hiring someone with fantastic mentoring skills and a history of success, like Bashtastic Coaching.

Offers on Bashtastic Coaching 

Why should you consider hiring Bashtastic Coaching?

  • Calm, curious, thoughtful & conversational personality
  • 6 years mentoring new grads & early to mid-career clients.
  • 6 years in CPG, life sciences, research, R&D, and brand strategy.
  • 10 years of writing & optimizing industry-focused resumes.
  • 5 years in academia across undergrad & grad studies.
  • 3 years entrepreneur real estate, personal finance, coaching.

To help you get out of your career rut or start your new job on the right foot, Coach Bashar Sala, M.S. of Bashtastic Coaching, follows four unique and effective strategies:

  1. Reflect
  2. Strategize
  3. Execute
  4. Achieve

He has a flexible coaching style that can meet every client’s needs, regardless of where they are in their career.

Clients from the STEM industry and other niches are happy with the results and the breakthroughs they’ve found while under his mentorship.


Fear of change is one of the biggest reasons people stay stuck in unsatisfying jobs.

A good career coach will encourage you to take risks and push past those fears to live the life you want instead of settling for one that’s not really working out for you.

You need a career coach in Bashtastic Coaching to help guide you through identifying what’s really important to you — personally and professionally. So when deciding where to go next, you’ll know exactly what matters most to you (and so will those around you). 

A great career coach will also teach you how to control your career path by asking the right questions and making intelligent choices based on thoughtful self-reflection and realistic assessments of your values and skills.

You need to step up to see a considerable improvement in your career and life. Raise your standards and swallow your pride. 

Yes, even the best of us needs help from professionals if we want to see a significant change. 

Find a career coach who will empower you to advance, equip you with the proper knowledge and skills, and get one foot into the door of the opportunity you’ve always dreamed of.

Question for You

Have you ever had a career coach? How was the experience?

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