Life Lessons

4 Ways To Silence Your Own Critic

3:13 AM

4 Ways To Silence Your Own Critic

Listening to the voice of discouragement 
makes us deaf to the Voice of Truth.

Every day, we're bombarded with opinions. We can't control what others say, but we can control what we believe. 

We get to choose whose voice gets airtime in our minds. 

The kicker is that negativity can mask a powerful truth -  you were designed for greatness.

You have a purpose, and you absolutely CAN achieve it. So how do we silence our inner critic and turn up the volume on our destiny?

1. Know who you are.

You're not a random blip on the universe's radar. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. This self-awareness is your shield against anyone trying to dim your light. You are a child of God, and God does not make mistakes. If you have self-awareness, no one can change your identity for you.

I am Iron Man gif

2. Tune out the noise.

Not all feedback is created equal. Learn to separate constructive criticism from random negativity. People have different perspectives, and sometimes comments get twisted in the mix. You can't please everyone, and that's okay. Offense is a choice.

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3. Don't be too harsh on yourself.

We treat others with kindness, so why not ourselves? Mistakes happen. Forgive yourself, learn from them, and move on. Don't let the voice of guilt hold you hostage. One mess-up doesn't define you.

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4. Check your inner compass.

Take a quiet moment and listen to your heart. You have an innate sense of right and wrong. Don't ignore that feeling. Your body also whispers wisdom. Pay attention to its signals.

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Silence Your Own Critic: A Journey

Quieting your inner critic is a journey, not a destination. It takes practice to discern which voice to trust. 

Here's the key: 

The Voice of Truth never requires compromising your values or hurting yourself or others.  

It uplifts, inspires, and reminds you of your incredible potential.

So silence the doubter within and crank up the volume on your inner truth. The world needs your greatness – shine on.

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  1. Loved this! The Voice of Truth will not lead you astray. Wonderful post! You're right, it can be hard sometimes to silence all the noise, but once I do I'm reminded of my conviction, whatever it may be. Best quote (in my opinion), "The Voice of Truth will leave you pumped up and inspired." :)

  2. Hi, SuperLux! This is all excellent advice. I was a teenager in the 1960s and a 20-something in the 1970s. It was hard enough back then to avoid listening to my destructive inner voice and to filter out the potentially destructive voices of other people. It is even more difficult to keep peace of mind in this modern world filled with anonymous critics on social media. When I make a mistake, and I have made many of them in my lifetime, I don't wallow in shame and regret. I don't beat myself up. Instead, I frame it as a valuable learning experience and go on.

    Thank you for the wisdom imparted in this post, dear friend SuperLux!

  3. That is a wonderful set of comments on the subject of negativity. I read of this often, and experience it, in writing. Do people understand my point, did I stick to the subject, will I be successful in publishing, will I find an agent? Lots of self-doubt. I try to think along your advice of be silent....and then to concentrate on the positives!

  4. Interesting. I am evry self-critical, but I am also very self-confident. I guess I create my own constructive criticsm.

    Greetings from London.

  5. Inspiring post... we can control what we let into our heads

  6. This post is fantastic and many of us fighting with this problem. I follow only my heart all the time even thought sometimes I am wrong :) Have a good night! Liuba x

  7. No one can be as hard on us as we are on ourselves! This is the year I am making that inner voice a positive one!

  8. Pause to think things through is my motto.

  9. It isn't always easy to silence our own critic... it takes a lot of diligence and prayer... I think we always need to work on it so that we never forget we are special and made for greatness... wonderful post as always xox

  10. It's all about self esteem, if it's high than even we can't damage ourselves! :)

  11. Your posts are so inspiring Lux! it makes so much sense when I read them!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  12. Lovely Post~ Thank you so much for the help~

  13. This is one of my inner struggles - my own critic. My inner voice often tells me I'm doing things wrong, or I don't do anything to make it better. I have to follow these steps, one by one, maybe I'll find a solution. Thanks!

  14. This is so true! I needed to read this today, thanks so much :)

  15. I silence my pathological critic by highlighting the positive things that I have done for myself and others. Carefully choosing what you think really helps you feel good.

  16. I am definitely my own worst critic, but I try not to be. Your tips are fabulous!

  17. Such a right to the pount post very true and helpful because I share it with my co-workers they said very well communicated. Great job.

  18. Don't be so hard on yourself <--- that I need to listen to and follow. Great post!!!

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  19. Exactly what I needed to read this week! Time to kick negativity to the curb. :)

  20. Interesting post, so inspiring and helpful!!!!
    Keep on smiling!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  21. I'm totally with you on #3. I think too often we don't forgive ourselves, and how can we ever hope to succeed if we're holding a grudge over past failures? Sounds like a pattern for disaster to me.

    Love your thoughts.

  22. Very interesting post! Amazing tips! =)

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  23. Wonderful post, thank you so much for sharing this.

  24. Good one. When critics comes from inside, just focus on the positive side of it and move on. We should know how to evaluate the risk associated with our decision on the outcome.

    You got excellent blog here, I'm inspired with your writings, following your blog now. Invite you to visit my blog and add in the "join this site' list. Thank you.

  25. Awesome wisdom for a Wednesday! Oh, it does take practice, but like you said..stay focused!

  26. Love this post, and it is so so true!! I completely agree with you that we are indeed our worst critic. But that's extremely bad. We need to learn to love ourselves, and not be so harsh, like you mentioned. In fact, those are some great tips you gave! :) Will be sure to apply them :)

  27. inspiring post
    would you follow each other ?

  28. So inspiring! I am trying to not be hard on myself right now.

  29. Hey Lux! How are you doing mami...It's been a while..I like this post. Silence your own critic.....that's by far the best advice you can give anyone....

  30. I am definitely the biggest critic for myself! I am never 100% pleased, always wanna do more, wanna do better, be better. So thank you for these tips, I will try my best to remember them and follow them.

  31. We're so hard on ourselves all the time. It's important to remember to give ourselves a break. Great tips!

    xx Hélène

  32. I just pretend they dont exist that is how i silence them

  33. I love the fearfully and wonderfully made! What a great reminder to us all! Thanks for sharing :)

  34. I'm so hard on myself sometimes. This year I will try and change this. I enjoyed reading this post.

  35. very true, but all easier said than done xoxo

  36. Hi Lux! I like the idea that we can be our own worst critic. Then when someone says something negative, it just seems like ''piling on'". I wrote once that I have to allow Jesus to come into my mind and 'cleanse the Temple'. Get rid of all those negative thoughts so I can see myself as he sees me. We are created for a purpose!

  37. I really have gathered a lot from reading this piece. Thanks awfully, Lux. Stay blessed.

  38. I just talked about this with someone. Sometimes it is easier for us to listen and hold on to negative things we hear about ourselves than the positive. We can allow the negative to completely overwhelm the positive. We must learn to renew our minds daily and believe what God says about us.

    Great post!

  39. We are constantly doubting, criticizing and hurting ourselves. It should be the exact opposite. We need to treat ourselves with love, dignity and respect. How can you expect others to treat you good if you don't? Great tips. :)

  40. I have learned the hard way, but appreciate that; I learnt good about myself- once I discovered the strengths. I myself was amazed to know my strengths:)
    Great topic, I must say!

  41. It's very hard to silence the critic----I go through this every day. But what works best for me is to keep busy and do other things that make me happy. I try not to take life too seriously as well. Humor is the best medicine.

  42. Great post! I think it's important to love yourself.

    Jasmine x

  43. Verdade! Porque além de disfarçar imperfeições ele trata a pele!

    Bacana essas maneiras de silenciar as críticas!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  44. Very wise post. I like your way of thinking :)

    Lu |

  45. Thanks for reminding me not to be too harsh on myself. I am my own worst critic and I never give myself time to relax and refresh, mentally or physically. Something I have to work on..

  46. This is so inspiring ... thanks for sharing :-)

  47. Wonderful Post!

    Have a fantastic Weekend ,lots of Hugs

  48. sigh, I just feel so sad when I read this post~ T.T

    (A Growing Teenager Diary Malaysia)

  49. you are right. we are very hard on ourselves and less forgiving when we mess up. thanks for the encouraging words and for stopping by!

  50. What a great post. I think the advice on quieting our inner critic is awesome. I totally agree that we are often harder on ourselves than with others. We do need to be kinder to ourselves too. :)

    Have a happy weekend-

  51. Some very valid points.

    Thanks for visiting.

  52. "Don't be too harsh on yourself." Yes, many of us put pressure on ourselves to do well in everything to please ourselves or others - sometimes, it is quite all right to do not as well. Life is more than that. Great post - great words of advice. Thanks.

    P.S. Thanks for dropping by my blog & for commenting. Do hop over again sometime...

  53. Hi Lux! I'm happy to be here reading this very inspiring post.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

  54. wonderful advice ... i struggle with the inner critic too, as do most of us, and it's helpful to read this :)

  55. I love this. We are our own worst enemy sometimes. This is great advice.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  56. Thank you for sharing this, very good advice.

  57. great advices, your writing skills are so good:)

    Konstantina | K MEETS STYLE.COM

  58. so lid piece and so true...understanding your identity is so important and choosing what to lay that identity on as a foundation....because i have seen so many put it in another person...and once they are gone, it leaves the one shattered....

  59. We are indeed our harshest critic. I do know of these tips but sometimes it really is difficult to apply them simply because we are our harshest critic and sometimes do not allow ourselves to love ourselves more. I guess sometimes we really need to have a time out and moment of silence to listen to the calm inner voice.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. See you around!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  60. The inner critic is something I have to be so careful with - I definitely give in to the negative much more than I should. God's been showing me that His plans for me are so much more important than what anyone else might have to say. Thank you for sharing techniques on dealing with that inner critic - I'm hopeful that your words encourage many! I'm stopping by from the Grace & Truth linkup - have a blessed week!

  61. I understand that we need to love ourselves but sometimes we have so much negativity around that we tend to get harsh on ourselves..

  62. Thank you for this very relevant advice. I also take action to distract myself - e.g., write the next sentence or paragraph, no matter how lousy I feel about my abilities; or go for a jog or something. Getting the brainwaves moving in a different direction seems to help. Of course, too, there's always chocolate. Smiles.

  63. So interesting post, great

  64. Yes! Why are we so willing to listen to the worst things about ourselves? It's crazy.

  65. I like what you said about receiving criticism and not getting angry but to learn from it. To consider if the remarks have some truth and if we need to make adjustments. Your points were well taken and I enjoyed your post very much. Thank you for visiting my site and for your sweet comments.

  66. Amen. I'm saving this, I have a feeling I'm going to need to read it again.

  67. thank you for sharing this thoughts- this is kind of inspiration I need now :)
    have a good week

  68. Thank you very much, great advice!

  69. Wonderful tips, especially #1 :)! I have a very loud, discouraging inner critic. Thank you for this much needed encouragement.

  70. Absolutely! We can be harsh taskmasters toward ourselves. If we can't show a gentle grace toward ourselves, how can we extend that to others?

    Great truths here, friend ...

  71. Great reminders. Yes, we are our own worst critic. We need to dwell on those things that are true, noble, right, pure, noble, lovely and admirable. When those thoughts come, I always ask, "Is this true? Is it right? etc. and take those thoughts captive!!! Thanks for sharing this.

  72. 'take a moment of silence to follow your heart' , I love that. It's a wonderful piece of advice that I should definitely take more often. Thanks for the reminder. :o)


  73. I don't bother much about voices from others because i myself have two voice,one which is positive and another a negative evil one talking whenever i want to do anything.

  74. Well said, SuperLux! We need to be kinder to ourselves! When someone criticizes me harshly, I try to remind myself that I am not the target, that something else is going on with the person. When the voices in my head get too loud, I drown them out with music and repeat positive things to myself. Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment that raised my spirits! Have a good one!

  75. Such an inspiring post dear...I so loved it :) thanks for writing :)

  76. Thanks for writing such an amazing post...Loved it

  77. I agree with you :)))
    Great post, I need it a lot...


  78. Hi! Lovely post, we all need a little reminding sometimes!

  79. Sounds like you are very hard on yourself. The great thing about getting older is not that you are any wiser but just that nothing bothers you the same anymore. Cheer up and enjoy life. I,m fairly skint, near the end of the road in a death approaching sense... but happy :o)

  80. This was an amazing post to read and so helpful - like something straight out of a magazine that I'd read word for word. Thank you for sharing this. I also suffer from awful self-criticism and not the constructive kind. We are very nasty to ourselves and need to learn to be kinder and more gentle to ourselves.
    Keeping peace in our souls is so so important x

  81. Thanks. I think this is something we all need and go through when writing.

  82. I know the feeling too well. I think it's good to have an inner critic, otherwise we would never improve ourselves and move forward in life. The trick is to not let it get to us and make us unhappy, and it's not always easy to find the right balance.

  83. Great post, thanks for sharing. xx

  84. This has been something I have dedicated myself to working on in 2015! Thanks for the steps that I can work around while I start this journey!

  85. These are wonderful words of encouragement for everyone to read. I love how you gave these gentle reminders that we all have worth and are here for a reason. Great post.

  86. Inspiring! It makes me think of the song "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns. I loved reading this. Definitely encouraging.

  87. This is great! I especially needed #4.

  88. Hi Lux,

    Oh yes, it can be so easy to listen to our own self critical judgements. So thankful we have our Voice of Truth :-)
    Blessings to you.

  89. Your blog is very vibrant and forward-thinking, as your many followers and commenters will attest. I also detect that you have a spiritual dimension to your life. Wonderful!

    Blessings to you as you spread happy vibes, Lux.

  90. Lux: Thanks for sharing your heart and wisdom with us. You have such wonderful insight to help guide us daily and to become better people. God bless!

  91. Beautiful post, Lux! God bless you dear. :)

  92. I am often hard on my self when I fail. But I heard a preacher say that a failure is not who we are but what happens to you!
