For Moms

Why Teaching Children To Love Books Is Important

2:36 PM

Why Teaching Children to Love Books is Important

Reading is one of the most valuable skills we can impart to children that will benefit them both in childhood and throughout their lives. When we teach children to love books from an early age, we set them up for academic achievement, expanded horizons and creativity, and a lifetime of learning and enjoyment.

Builds Crucial Reading Skills

Sparking an early interest in books and reading motivates children to pick up more books, read more on their own, and become better readers. Reading achievement is crucial for success in all subjects in school and beyond. Children who enter school with strong reading abilities have an advantage, while those who struggle to read fall further behind each year. When reading feels like fun rather than a chore, kids read more, which leads directly to improved reading and comprehension abilities.

little red head girl with black glasses reading a book on the table

Expands Knowledge and Perspective

Exposure to books also expands children’s understanding of the world around them. Through both fiction and non-fiction books, children learn about people, places, periods, science, nature, and more that they may not encounter in their own lives. Books introduce new vocabulary words, ideas, and concepts that prepare them for future learning. The knowledge gained from reading is the power that feeds curious young minds.

Expands Knowledge and Perspective

Sparks Creativity and Imagination

Additionally, reading sparks imagination and creativity in kids. Following fun characters on exciting adventures allows children to envision themselves in fantastical situations dreaming up amazing new worlds different from everyday life. This strengthens their ability to be innovative thinkers and problem solvers—skills that aid them inside and outside the classroom. Reading exercises their creativity muscles which will benefit them in all subjects.

Young girl reading a book using flashlight with blanket over her head

Instills Lifelong Love of Reading

Finally, helping children develop a true love of reading sets them up to be lifelong learners and readers. Those who reach for a book out of sheer enjoyment are intrinsically motivated to pick up more books throughout their lives. They turn to books and reading not just for school assignments but also during their free time for entertainment, information, or relaxation. Being a lifelong reader ensures continuing education even outside of school.
young girl and boy reading a book together in bed

Necessary for Continued Learning

Reading remains integral not just in school but also throughout adult life. Those who reach adulthood with poor reading skills are limited in what they can accomplish. Strong literacy skills open doors to new employment opportunities as many jobs require the ability to read, comprehend, and even write effectively. Additionally, reading paves the path to learning new skills outside a formal education through instruction manuals, self-teaching books, online articles, and courses. Learn how to teach reading comprehension to children and see them thrive in later life.

three young girls sitting on the floor reading a book together

With so many benefits spanning from academic achievement to career success, sparking a passion for books from an early age is one of the most powerful things we can do for children’s growth and opportunities. Small efforts like reading aloud together, bringing them to libraries and bookstores, allowing time for independent reading, and keeping compelling books around the house can instill a deep, enduring love of reading that will serve them well at all ages. Teaching children to enjoy books goes a long way toward setting them up for achievement and happiness throughout their lives.

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  1. I did this with my son and my grands. They love to read to this day.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  2. Helping kids love books sets them on a path toward success and happiness in life.
    May this Christmas bring you peace, happiness, and cherished moments that last a lifetime. Merry Christmas!

  3. A loud yes to what you say here. It's hard to get youngsters to read good stuff today.

  4. Great post! I couldn’t agree with you more.

  5. As one who loves to read, I cannot agree with you more. It's so important! And, on another note, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your comments this past year.

  6. Hi, Lux!

    Looking at these images of children reading actual books is like gazing at endangered animal species. I don't see children reading real books nearly as much as I did decades ago. Reading from an electronic device - phone or pad - does not offer the same multisensory experience. When you hold an actual book in your hand, you are aware of its weight and mass and the quality and texture of the paper stock. You hear the sound of pages being turned and smell the aroma of the ink. You appreciate the large colorful pictures as they were intended to be viewed. All of these elements induce an ASMR response - place children in a "learning trance." They make the child want to repeat the enjoyable experience over and over again. For them, reading is fun, not a boring chore.

    I agree that teaching and encouraging children to discover the joys of reading is imperative. It helps them learn about their world, a world of diversity. Banning books dealing with diversity from school libraries is a shameful campaign being carried out by people who want to deny a one world model. Mrs. Shady and I recently moved 1,000 miles away from the state of Florida because we could no longer tolerate the oppressive extreme right wing conservative policies of those who took over political power in recent years.

    Happy holidays to you and your family, dear friend Lux, and all the best in 2024!

  7. I can't imagine not reading.

  8. Such a sweet girl in that picture!
    I totally agree with each and every idea in your post in favour of reading.

  9. I couldn't agree more with everything you say in this post. Teaching children the joy of reading gifts them a lifetime of experiences and glimpses into other worlds and points of view. An absolute no-brainer!

  10. Oh most definitely ~ read to my son and he is an avid reader to this day and very smart ~ Merry Christmas to you and yours ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I have such fond memories of reading fun books when I was growing up. Happy Holidays from all of us!

  12. I taught primary school for a few years, and it is so, so important to foster a love of reading at home! The kids who read at home, with mom/dad/grandma/someone else, were way ahead of their peers at school.

  13. I agree with this so much. And this quote "The knowledge gained from reading is the power that feeds curious young minds." Soo true!!

  14. This so true, reading is fundamental and key in bring up a well rounded imaginative child. My mom read to my sister and I all the time and she would bring home the most fun exciting books like The Wolves of Willoughbychase. I loved it. And went on to be an avid reader.

    Allie of

  15. Yes, is really important. It can be one of the best steps, walking for the Life.

  16. It's best to get them young.

  17. Yes! Installing a love of reading is so important! Wonderful points here!

  18. Yes! Installing a love of reading is so important! Love this post!

  19. I agree, reading is so important for kids and it gives a lot of pleasure.

  20. yes, indeed..... start good habit as early as possible.....
    Happy holidays to you and yours...

  21. It's all true! When Junior was little, I read a lot of books to him, and now he enjoys reading them.

  22. Merry Christmas Lux! Best wishes to you and your family! John
