
God Knows Our Pain

11:58 PM

God Knows Our Pain
Pain is temporary, 
glory is eternal.

God Knows Our Pain

I often forget that.

Remember: despite what Jesus gave to the people; despite serving and healing them, despite performing miracles in their midst, feeding them, changing their lives and forgiving their sins, He was treated umjustly. 

He was abandoned by those He called friends.

He was criticized and people fabricated stories about Him.

He was looked down upon and called names.

He was "bullied".  Big time.

He was humiliated.

Sounds familiar?

We may not have performed miracles and made a major change to the world (yet) the way Jesus did but we have loved. We have offered a part of ourselves to someone. We have sacrificed for others. We have served.

Sometimes, despite our goodness, generosity and kindness, we are beaten emotionally. 

We've been betrayed. We've been abandoned when we were in need. We were treated unjustly at one point in our lives.

This is how Jesus could comfort us. Because He Himself experienced all these when He was on earth---only worst!

God knows our pain and He showed us that despite the pain, everything will be alright in the end

He showed us that our enemy may think they succeeded in putting us down, but they actually propelled us to our destiny. They have provided us a stepping stone, a break.

Jesus showed us that pain is temporary, but the glory that awaits us is eternal.
God knows our pain and He sure knows how to get us through it.

You may be tired of hearing this but "Keep the faith."
Keep holding on because today you may be going through a painful Friday. a deafening silent and abrupt halt in your Satruday, but always, always Sunday will come.

That old adage, "The night is always darkest just before the dawn" holds true.

I've experienced nights that are starless it's so pitch black it's suffocating. It feels like the darkness has consumed me and no matter where I run, it's hopeless. I am trapped. Even if I shout for help, no one could hear me.

God hears even our sighs. And that has been comforting to me. He feels my pain even when I don't have to try describing it to Him. I can just be in total silence in His presence and He understands. He knows.

I hope that is comforting enough for you. Even when you don't see the end of the tunnel yet. Even when you haven't made a plan yet on how to get out there. Just know that it will pass. Just take one painful step at a time and you'll get to where you should be.

You won't be walking alone.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this, Lux! It was a reminder of how much He went through to give us all salvation; and if He can endure all of that, then you and I can surely make it through this life :)

    I enjoyed your writing. Thank you for joining us!


  2. So true and sadly so many do forget. but not only does He Know our pain, He cares about it.

    Thanks for sharing!!

